It really irks me when I'm in line waiting for a cashier to finish ringing my items up so I can pay and leave and the next person that's waiting to go after me comes right up beside me, as if I called for their assistance or something.

I wish people would just realize that I am the one that's currently being waited on. Those are my items that are being rung up to be bagged and placed in my buggy. It's me that this cashier is carrying on casual conversation with. Are you that stupid or are you just that nosy?

Oh my goodness, that really just truly irks me. You need to respect my personal space. When I'm waiting in line at a store to be rung up, I do not boldly trample up further to stand beside this person. Why? I don't know this person. I don't care to know this person. It's none of my business how this person is paying or how much they're spending. I stay behind the barrier of my buggy. I know and have no problem with respecting other people's personal space. I wish others would return this favor to me, as well.

There's no need for this complete stranger to be hip to hip or elbow to elbow with me while I'm trying pay for my purchase. I get so offended when someone does that. I do not need this person to know my four-digit debit card number. What if, God forbid, I happened to drop it on my way out of the store and the person that was so close to me in line was the one to the find the card? They would have absolutely no problems in using my card because they would already know my number and why -- all because they invaded my personal space while I was in line paying for my purchase.

All I ask of people is that please respect my personal space. It's not that I'm anti-human relations are anything; it's just that I have right to my own space, especially while doing something as person as paying for my purchase, especially when I'm using a debit card. Please, just back up. I'm not exaggerating. This really happens to me all the time. People - complete strangers just come smack dab up to me and stand right beside me, as if they're the ones being waited on at the moment.

When this happens to me I don't even say anything to this person. I act just like they don't exist all in an effort to be polite because I am woman enough to realize that some people honestly just have a lot on their minds and don't really have conscience parameters of what they're doing at the time. I don't like confrontation and I don't have time for it.

On the other hand, some of them actually do realize what their doing and it's that they just do give a hoot about how their affecting or offending the complete stranger of whose space they are completely invading. While it really does irk me, I just refuse to start an argument with a complete stranger about something like this. Like I said, I just don't have the time or energy to bicker about something like this. It's a big deal to me when I'm in the moment but not big enough for me to really say something to this complete, oblivious, stranger. I mean, if their that oblivious, then they're just really not worth my time anyway.