I have no problem with relatives staying over a few days at my house. That's not a problem. That's what family is for. Well, I have no problem until this family member begins to impose; until this relative begins inflicting their extraneous comments, questions, and remarks upon issues and topics of which they weren't introduced to; until this realative begins intruding my person space and other off limits areas of my home; and until this realtive begins invading territory that's obviously off limits and nosing around in business that has nothing to do with them and that they weren't asked into.

There are several scenarios that always seem to occur when I'm housing a family member, and if more than one comes then the occurrence of these scenarios  increase greatly.  

Passwords: They Exist for a Reason 

Is it not enough that I allow you to use my computer? Must you also try and figure out every password associated with the device? Must you know the log in password to even get into the entire computer system in the first place? Must you know the password to MY twitter and MY facebook? Must you even know MY email password? I think not!

Passwords are there to create privacy and just because we're family doesn't mean I necessarily trust you. I love you, but I don't trust you, at least not enough to allow you to see the passwords to my electronic devices and accounts. You don't see me knocking down your door to try and obtain your personal information, so I ask that you have the same respect for me. That's what family is supposed to be able to do: respect each other. Of course, when the term, "family", is used some thinks that this phrase gives allowance for certain lines to be crossed. 

Just because we're family doesn't necessarily mean that I trust you enough to allow you to cross those lines. You should thank God that I even allow you to use my computer in the first place considering the last few times I let you use it, you broke it and forced me to get another one and another time you gave it a terrible virus that was hell trying to get rid of. Yet, you feel like owe you something just because we have the term, "family", linking us together. I strongly differ. 

No, I don't think these same rules should apply to everyone else's family members and relatives, but they do apply to mine because they're overly nosey. They're not just nosey but they're overly nosey. They're always beating around the bush trying to cypher information out of me about this sensitive subject or that sensitive subject. No, they don't asks because they genuinely care; they ask because they're going to use the information against me later and then I'll hear through the grapevine that sew and sew heard this and that from my relative from here or there. To top it all off, by the time the story gets back around to me it's not even the original story I told them in the first place, but instead it's injected full of over exaggerations and bald-faced lies. 

Now, please tell me why I should even have a mind to trust a person like that, no less a family member. Those are the types of family members that one must keep at arms length. After you've been victim of their loose lips, then you just know better. A burnt child is afraid of fire, and while I'm not saying I'm "afraid" of them, I'm saying I know better that to let them in the next time because they'll just back door me later. 

My Products Doesn't Equal Upkeep for YOUR Hygiene 

Must you use my razor to shave your God knows what? I get it, you need to shave. Okay, fine, but don't use my razor and then have the nerve to not even wash it off. For one, that's unsanitary and for two you didn't even ask my permission. 

I don't care if you think I'm going to say, no. I'm saying no for a reason and it's my property and I have the right to say no if I doggone well please. That's the beauty of it being mine. 

When I visit at your house, first of all, I make sure that I've done the whole shaving and de-waxing process before I even visit you and if it ever came up where I needed a razor, I wouldn't even think about bothering your property because I would have been well prepared enough to actually bring a few extra shaving razors in the first place. 

As a smart traveling female, it's important to be very well prepared for any and every accident that you think could possibly happen that you could help. I show you that respect, now, why can't you show me that same respect? You like throwing around the term, "family", so here's a good time for you to show me how much I really mean to you as family. Respect me. That's all that I ask. Respect me, respect my things, and respect my house, and respect the property that it sits upon. 

Must you use my mouthwash and drink directly from the actual mouth of the bottle? I don't need your backwash in my mouthwash. There are small plastic cups sitting at the head of the sink for a reason. USE THEM! Wait a minute, here's a better idea. Bring your own mouthwash. My home is not a hotel where you get to do any and everything you like to the hygiene products because these hygiene products are mine and solely mine. 

No, I'm not being selfish. In the past I've let you use my mouthwash and then I find out this is how you actually use it. That's disgusting. Use the plastic cups, don't drink straight out of the bottle. It's not yours personally, it's mine that I use on a very daily basis, buddy, so have so respect or just bring your own. They make travel sized toiletries for a reason. 

Another thing, don't use my shower gel. You know it's my own personal bottle of shower gel. I tell you that up front and ask you not to use it because I have supplied you, as the guest for the weekend, with other soap accommodations, but do you respect my wishes? 

No, no you don't. You come out the bathroom, and what do I smell as you glide your disrespectful ungrateful behind by me? I smell cherry blossoms on you. I smell lavender on you. I smell cucumber melon on you. 

I specifically asked you nicely not to use my shower gel. What's wrong with dove soap? What's wrong with the dial soap? It's a perfectly brand new bar sitting there on the porcelain soap dish for you, but what do you do? You overlook it. You freaking overlook it!! You don't do it by accident. No, you do it on purpose as if the conversation we just had never ever happened. It's like you're a child and I just told you not to  touch the cookies, yet what I told you you couldn't have you grew even more attracted to it. What in the world is wrong with you? Really, what's wrong with you? There's obviously something wrong. 

Sure, I could just remove all of the things I would rather not be touched out of the bathroom, but I shouldn't have to especially when the guest is a grown adult. It's my bathroom so I shouldn't have to move a thing. They should  be adult enough to grasp the concept of eyes on and hands off. I shouldn't have to pack up half my bathroom just for a two to three day weekend stay of an imposing relative. Then again, while I shouldn't have to, their behavior nevertheless enforces me to do so. 

Please, Put Them Back

I'm nice enough to leave the magazines and catalogs in the book caddy of the bathroom but do value that small luxury enough to even put the books back after you finished looking at them? No. If you did I wouldn't run into a mound of magazines and catalogs strolled over the hamper. The same amount of energy it took to pull the book; it's just the same amount to put it back. It's not difficult. Once again, I don't do any of this when I come to your home to visit. Is it that hard for you to show me some curiosity?

Honestly, I could go on forever and ever about the invasion of privacy and space of which I suffer at the failure of my visiting relatives, but I won't. I think you get the idea, anyway. 

These are just a few things that really irk me about imposing family members. I do everything in my power to make them feel at home during their stay, but they don't appreciate it and if they do they sure have a file way in showing it. They take my kindness for weakness and I'm tired of always having to hold my peace just because we're family. Sometimes family needs tough love and that's just point blank. 

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