A recent experience spurred this subject. I'm not going to talk about inconsiderate drivers in general but a specific type that feel like they have ownership of the road and other people's schedules. Those types specifically irk me.

I was leaving the driveway of a store. There's only one way in and out of and away from this store. 
Ahead of me are two other cars. The road is open and free and yet these two vehicles are just sitting there. Why won't they pull out? I, being the third vehicle in line, I'm just sitting there like what in the world is this person's problem? 

Are they not paying attention? Are they texting? Are they conversing on the cellular phone? Did they drop something on the floor of their car and now, they're bending down trying to reach for it? Is this person eating? I mean, there were just a number of things that this person could have been doing that had caused their attention to sway from their surroundings of a line of cars behind them waiting to leave out this one way in - one way out store drive way. 

Never did I think...that the lead vehicle that was holding everyone up...actually was absent of their driver. The driver was in the passenger's seat of the second vehicle that was right behind her's but in front of mine.

I just couldn't believe it. She actually thought a conversation to be important enough to hold up traffic to and from a store that had a one way in - one way out entrance and exit. She really had no consideration for other people. 

She could have seriously caused an accident. Other vehicles behind me decided to go around the exit line of vehicles and go into an entrance only, one lane and then take their chances getting hit by an oncoming vehicle (that would have been in the right, in the first place) if an accident would have occurred. Thank God it didn't. 

The mere potential of car accidents and the emotional and physical destructive outcomes that would have all initially stemmed from this inconsiderate, ungrateful, egotistical, big - mouthed driver holding on up traffic is just so horrible to think about. 

One's actions affect more than just one person. It's like a chain reaction of emotion that leads to poor actions, and then all that energy is getting transferred around, and it just becomes a hot mess, really.  I know that seems a bit deep and far - fetched to think about all from one ignorant, inconsiderate driver's actions but if something terrible would have happened all of those realizations would have had the strong potential of occurring. 

That's not the end of the story, either. This woman got out of the second vehicle that was right in front of me and then went to get in her car. I was thinking to myself, finally, we can all get a move on and stop wasting our gas in this strenuous heat climate. (Just think if there were other folks in the line that had no aircondition in their car and they were being held up in the heart. One things for sure: these two women weren't thinking about that possibility.) 

Nevertheless, this woman got out of her car again with some kind of object and went back to the second car and gave it to the driver and then stood there with her car door was open talking to the driver of this second car ahead of me. They acted as if they were the only two individuals in the  world. 

Also, the second driver is hard to respect because it makes me wonder what kind of friend she was and what kind of person she is in general. Well, she's obviously inconsiderate. (That seems to be the general trend here.)

I wouldn't want a friend who failed to tell me that I'm creating and setting the tone for a potential danger hazard for myself and other people's lives. Then again, maybe that's just me and my silly idea of what friends are supposed to do in situations such as this. 
Yes, eventually this woman did leave and pull out but that's was way after she had wasted everybody's time taking her own sweet time. Thank you, lady. (By the way, I use the term, "lady", loosely because a lady would know and recognize the need and cause for times and actions of consideration.)

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