I acknowledge what others feel this song is about. Then I acknowledge was Ms. Goulding, the writer and vocalist, says her song is about. Finally, I give an extreme multi-faceted, honest, witty, intelligent, intellection & maybe even comical analysis of what I feel about this song in every shape, form, and fashion. 

What Some Say

Some say...this song is about a person coming into Ellie's life that shows her happiness and eliminates her unhappiness. They say she's not used to the niceness, which startles her and figuratively meaning: turns her to stone. 
Some say...this song is literally about Ellie's fear of zombies during an apocalypse,  which is why she's afraid, especially of returning home to family and friends because she fears of what she may find or not find, so to speak. 
Some say...this song is about child abuse and how Ellie is supposedly trying to conceal and deal with a dark childhood full of abuse and heartache. 
Some say...this song is about some kind of developing addiction to ecstasy that Ellie's getting a lovely feeling of euphoria from and when she comes down from her high the depression sets in like a big dog. Apparently, the concept of lights are supposed to confirm her lack of comprehension due to her ecstasy high. 
Some say...this song is about Ellie being abandoned and facing life's difficult journey because of her lack of support. Apparently, later on the people who abandoned her request her presence again and then it confuses the mess out of Ellie. 
Some say...this song is about Ellie questioning her religious beliefs and about how she believed solely and heavily in certain things when she was young, which is why she apparently felt so safe at the time - during her childhood. She had something concrete to believe in. 

What Ellie G. Says

Ellie G. says that this song is simply about her being afraid of the dark. More specifically, she says that it's "kind of" about her "childhood a little bit". She also says that she used to have a problem with not being able to thing with the lights off. She said, yes, it was "irritating". She was "afraid of the dark" and it's, once again, "kind of" about that. 
I used quotes above because those are words she said exactly, not because I'm in disbelief or I'm trying to show disapproval according to Ellie G's resins. 


Lyrical Facet Number One

"I had a way
Then Losing it all on my own"
These two particular lines describe how she was at one time able to keep it together, to stay calm, to be at peace, but then something happened and she was everything opposite of "keeping it together". 

Generally speaking, I know that many have experienced such happenings. We're all human. There's something that makes us all tick. Some are more difficult to figure out that others, but that's not the point. 

Everyone has suffered through a time when they were calm and keeping it all together under a limited amount of stress; then all of sudden the straw that breaks the camel's back occurs and you find yourself having a freak out moment and you feel like you're about to give up. You start to feel like you want to throw in the towel. 

I'm speaking from personal experience that you just can't let situations, occurrences, and all types of stress, ideas, and people get you down and then put you out. 

A scripture that I hold very close to my heart (as I'm sure many others in the world do) is  "For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." (Psalm 30:5, KJV) & in the TNIV version it is stated: "For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning."

Yes, you may experience uncertainties and pain but only for a season. If you can just hold out until tomorrow, you will see the end of your pain and the triumph of your survival. 

Lyrical Facet Number Two

"I had a heart then
But the queen has been overthrown"
These lines are explanatory to the fact that she once, yes, had heart and courage enough to deal with the stress at hand. Nevertheless, her courageous walls fail and now she faces the brink of snapping. 

"You have heart." Is often a phrase and use of terminology that's used  to refer to a person's bravery in and towards a certain person, situation, event, ect. I think that it's important to have heart because when you have heart then you're able to stand steadfast and unmovable. 

1 Corinthians 15:58, KJV: "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."
1 Corinthians 15:58, TNIV: "Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."

Personally, when I feel stressed and under a great deal of pressure, I have to take a step back and remember that God is in control of everything. I must remember that only God knows what the future holds; I definitely don't know, so which makes it even more important that I keep it all together. 

It's important to stay stedfast and unmoveable, and sometimes in doing just that, one must do something to keep their mind occupied and not focused upon the stress of whatever they have going on in their lives at the moment. 

One of the things I do when stress becomes a bit much is, yes, abound myself in the Lord. (It's not as hard, complex, or strenuous as some may think it sounds. God puts no more on you than you can bear.)

For example, I'm the pianist for my church and also a lead singer. It's something so soothing about singing and playing my heart out to such songs such as, (Top Row) "Be Encouraged" by William Becton and Friends; "Because You Loved Me" by Celine Dion; "Like the Dew" by Juanita Bynum; "Hero" by Mariah Carey;  "Stand" by Rev. Donnie McClurkin; "Jesus Take the Wheel" by Carrie Underwood; (Middle Row) "Nobody Greater" by Vashawn Mitchell; "I Look to You" by Whitney Houston; "You Are Not Alone" by Michael Jackson; (Bottom Row) "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus; "Lean on Me" by Kirk Franklin, Crystal Lewis, R. Kelly, & Mary J. Blige; and "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera. 

Well, you get the point. Music mellows the heart, especially when you're under stress and the songs stream towards the glorification of Jesus Christ. Plus, I just really love music, so that relaxes me regardless. 

For others, their relaxation methods could be sleeping, meditation and prayer, reading, studying, dancing, cruising around, writing, cooking, cleaning, listening to music gardening, swimming, building/constructing things, crocheting/knitting, solving puzzles, volunteering, rearranging furniture, exercising, burning incense, talking, shopping, painting/drawing, planning things, building a collection of something or yes, even singing or playing an instrument like myself. 

The bible does say that music mellows the heart. 

On a lighter note, I love the fact that Ellie G. referred to herself as a queen.  I think that every woman should consider themselves a queen or princess of some sort, as long as they don't take their royal attitudes, too far. I don't condone selfishness, either, just because one thinks their this or that. 

Nevertheless, thinking of yourself as a queen is nice, but a fallen is queen - that's just terrible. 

Poor Ellie G. she feels like a fallen queen. If I'm going to be a queen, I'm going to be the best darn under control, sexiest, majestic, God-fearing queen possible. I wouldn't let any peasant or their shenanigans stress me out or terrify me to the point where I loose heart and courage to live my life and lead my kingdom in the correct paths that I should. 

Then again, maybe that's just me. 

Lyrical Facet Number Three

"And I'm not sleeping now the dark is too hard to beat
And I'm not keeping now the strength I need to push me"

Now, I'm just going to come out and say it. I do believe Ellie G. when she says that the song is about her being afraid of the dark when it comes down to it. 

I know that some second guess artists when it comes to them giving explanations of their work that tend to stream from person affairs and yes, even I, too, sometimes question the honesty of artist. It's natural to be inquisitive and curious, but in this case I do believe this artist when she says that the song is about her being afraid of the dark from childhood. 

With that being said, these two lines are about her and the darkness not being too good of friends, and because the darkness scares her so much she tends to lose the strength that she needs to actually deal with the darkness itself. (So redundant, really.)  

I mean, it's a simple concept really. It's not hard to imagine that a child would be afraid of the dark. Ellie said that when she was a child it was hard for her to even think in the dark. 

I know in some cases the darkness is actually calming when it comes to thinking patterns. I mean, in a way I can kind of attest to that because I have chronic migraines on a daily basis and sometimes the only thing that helps is sleeping it off. I even wear an eye mask to block all the light out because strong lighting and a chronic migraine doesn't mix. Anyone that has them totally knows where I'm coming from. Nevertheless, my testimony is in relation to a health issue of mine, unlike Ellie's where she's simply afraid of the dark for whatever reason. 

Traditionally, children are trained to sleep with the lights off. Yes, sometimes they must have a night light or at least leave the door open with the light glaring from the hallway and I'm not knocking any of it because it's different strokes for different folks and everyone is and was raised differently. 

That being said, everyone isn't as strong as the next person to deal with trying to go to sleep in the dark. I think that's a deep rooted fear that needs to be examined by a professional and taken to God in prayer. 

No, I'm not saying a person should fraternize with darkness and things of that realm but all I'm saying is is that when night fall comes it's time to go to sleep. That's the time of day that God has set for humans to sleep and we should do our very best to respect it as such. (No, I'm not saying that Ellie was purposely defiant to darkness. I'm sure there were and are many children out there that had and has the fear of sleeping in the dark.) 

What I am saying is that one shouldn't allow darkness, itself nor the concept thereof to drive them out of their mind because God created darkness so that we may embrace and appreciate the light. There's a reason for everything. 

A comforting scripture is:
2 Timothy 1:7, KJV: For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7, TNIV: "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline."
2 Timothy 1:7, MSG: "God doesn't want us to be shy with his gifts, but bold and loving and sensible."

I tell myself this whenever I feel like I'm facing something that may be a bit intimidating in some shape, form, or fashion. It's no fun being afraid of something or living as a prisoner to even your own mental limitations, so this scripture is great to use to give you a strong gusto for moving past your fears. 

No, God didn't give me the spirit of fear, so I refuse to let fear run me. I take control of fear and I step on it with my five inch stiletto spike heels. Fear is of the devil and the devil has no power in my life. Yes, he may try to form his little weapons but they will not prosper as long as I keep faith in God. 

Will you let fear run you or will you run it?

God gave me the spirit of power, love, a sensible sound - mind, and strong self-discipline to enforce whatever decisions I choose to put into action with my sound mind. 

You know, God must love us all a great deal to give us all such gifts: power, sound minds, and self discipline. He thought of everything when he made us in his image. 

Sometimes, you have to do just like Whoopi Goldberg's character did in the movie, The Color Purple, and knock Old Mister Johnson out of the way. Who or whatever your Mister Johnson is, knock him out of the way and don't let your fear stop you from doing you or at least do your best to work towards such action. (Some people's fears are extensively more complex than others.) 

Lyrical Facet Number Four 

"You show the lights that stop me turn to stone"
Simply put, this line means when light disappears darkness appears and that scares the crap out of her which forces her to be so still (still as stone) because she's constantly living in fear of what happens in the darkness. (Kind of sounds like a classic horror film)

Lyrical Facet Number Five

"You shine it when I'm alone
And so I tell myself that I'll be strong"
So in these lines of the lyrics, she explains that her fears heighten when she's alone which makes this whole darkness thing completely much more horrible than it really has to be. Being along in the dark freaked her out as a child.

On the other hand, I do appreciate her effort of trying to woman-up when she says that she tells herself to be strong. Now, all she has to do is follow through with her plan to do just that. Some would tell her to "just do it", like Nike but not everyone is Nike manufactured. 

Lyrical Facet Number Six 

"And dreaming when they're gone"
In this line, she expresses that she's dwelling on the ending of the darkness. She could just end it right then and get up and turn the light on or plug in a night light or turn on her lamp on her nightstand. Then again, she is so scared she's completely stone still, so she's probably afraid to even blink, too much. Oh, well. I guess she's just stuck between a rock and hard place.

Lyrical Facet Number Seven

"'Cause they're calling, calling, calling me home
Calling, calling, calling home"
Okay, so "home" must be what she's most comfortable with: the light, of course. By the time she rolls around to these lyrical lines she's just at the point of true freaking out. She's allowing her thoughts to run rapid and work her over. She just needs to calm down, pray, take a deep breath, and woman up. 

Lyrical Facet Number Eight 

"Noises, I play within my head
Touch my own skin and hope that I'm still breathing"
FOUR WORDS: "Calm the crap down!" 

These lines of the song just continually bring reverence to the fact that she's freaking out about being in the dark. I get it, you get it, the whole world gets it and I'm just about through with it.

When you start to hear noises in your head in the dark because of the dark then it's a problem, so she needs to call someone somehow some way (rather it be by yelling or using her cellular phone that she sleeps with in the bed with her to call her house line and hope that someone else picks up so she ask them to come in her room and turn the lights on for her. Then again, she's stone still out of fear so she can't move much at all. There's that rock and a hard place again.) 

She's starting to touch her own skin and go into extreme panic attacking. You know, if she's doing all of this then she's just contradicting the other lines when she says that she's so scared that she's even afraid to move  - still as stone. You can't be too still if you're having a panic attack. 

I get it, she's scared but freaking out only makes things worse. When you're dealing with a lot of stress don't freak out. It doesn't help but just makes things worse and then you push yourself into this mental limitation of your pursuit of sanity. That's not good, obviously. You have to maneuver around the fear and strive towards the happiness at the end of the tunnel or shall I say the "light" at the end of the tunnel? 


In conclusion, I, in no way intended on offending anyone. If I did, I do apologize and ask for your forgiveness. 

This is just my analysis and opinion and opinions are like belly buttons: everybody has one, so don't come down on me for the way I feel because it's the way I feel. You don't have to condone it or agree with me. 

Nevertheless, I respect Ellie Goulding as the artist that she is because I believe everyone deserves respect no matter what. 

I think this song is a bit of a fun song. Ellie G. took a poor childhood fear and put it into a joyful up tempo party beat, and if that's not artistry I don't what is, honey.