Relative Poem in Relation to Song ~ Analysis Follows

I Would Rather Have You 

 If I could have the world
I wouldn’t want it
I Would Rather Have You (Continued...)

If I could have fame or fortune
I’d say no
I Would Rather Have You (Continued...)

The only thing I want
Is your love
I would rather have that
Than anything this world has to offer
I Would Rather Have You (Continued...)

But i can't tell you
How bad it hurts
For me to give out
And receive nothing back
I Would Rather Have You (Continued...)

And just watch you fall apart
Right in front of me
I never thought this would happen
But life is full of surprises
we must take our hits and move on
I Would Rather Have You (Continued...)

And maybe someday you will realize
That I love you more than you’ll ever know
And I pray that before it’s all said and done
You come running back to me
With open arms
Because no matter what
I’ll always be waiting
I’ll never give up

Lyrical Facet Number One

"We share something so common/ Still so rare and I'm in awe/ Never been here before"
Aw, it's so sad the poor guy is selling himself short when he says he's in awe because he never thought he would ever find his first true love.

The channels of love are achievable for everyone. God has made someone for everybody. You just have to pray that God leads you to the right person, so you don't end up on the brink of a heart attack from the stress of a jacked up relationship, also like the guy in this song Trey has given voice to.

True love is capable for everyone and sees past color, creed, religion, station in life, political party, physical/health state, and so many other things. You see, God is love ("He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." ~1 John 4:8, KJV) and God has no favoritism toward this person or that person ("For there is no respect of persons with God." ~Romans 2:11, KJV). Therefore, love has no respect of persons either. 

Lyrical Facet Number Two

"Breaking each other's hearts/ And we don't care cause we're so"
These two lines sound psychotic. You're both making each other unhappy, yet there's something about each of you that you two are so addicted to that it keeps you to together, but nevertheless disregarding the fact that you're both really unhappy when it gets down to it. Wow. 

You both sound mentally unhealthy and not of sound mind. Are you both so twisted up in the game that you have lost of sense of what true happiness is? Well, obviously if you're so in love that you would rather stay together and put each other through pure emotional torture instead of breaking ties and allowing God to continue to guide you two throw the sea of people to obtain your true mates. 

I get it. It sounds like this guy has just acquired his first love and he loves her so darn much that letting her go isn't an option in his mind. Well, I wish it was an option in her mind because this poor guy is putting himself through all types of emotional hell all in the name of love. Heck, it's even having an effect on his health; he's on the brink of a heart attack. He needs to get ahold of himself because love don't love nobody. 

Lyrical Facet Number Three

"In too deep, can't think about giving it up"
If you're in so deep that you can't even think, that's a problem - a problem that deserves immediate attention. It's unhealthy, really. 

You shouldn't have to find yourself choosing another person over yourself to the point of where it effects your health, especially if you two aren't even married (and according to the video, they're not married). 

As the old saying goes, how are you going to love somebody else when you can't even love yourself first? This guy doesn't love himself first because if he did he would acquire enough mental marbles to step back from the situation and say, "Okay, I know this is my first love, but this relationship has come to a broken, unhealthy point and I now need to start thinking about how it's further effecting my life and hers. Besides, if I continue to motivate the idea of staying together, then I'm just slowing her life down as well and blocking the next guy who may be better suited for her current needs than I and I care about her too much to continue in this sham." 

Lyrical Facet Number Four

"But I never knew love would feel like a heart attack
It's killing me, swear I never cried so much"
Somebody needs to let this guy know that love doesn't have to feel like a heart attack. It's just that the woman he's currently with isn't necessarily the best thing for him right now. Maybe, if they took a break from each other and allowed each other some growth room and then tried it again later in life after the both of them had evolved, then they would find their love in a much healthier state for each other. 

I'm not saying that relationships want have there run up and bumps but it sounds like this guy is stuck on his first love and they've already ran up, bumped, slumped and got kicked in the pump. I mean, seriously. This man needs to get a new lease on life, and he's not strong enough or man enough to realize when it's time to let go of a relationship that's destroying him, then maybe it's time for this female he's so deeply in love with to relieve him of the relationship. It's time for her to be the bigger woman and allow this man to on. 

Speaking of the woman, seeing that she has yet to relieve him of the the relationship anyway, I'm wondering if she even loves herself as much as she should. I mean, being that women are emotional creatures, if he's freaking out and crying and losing his mind in all sorts of craziness then I can only imagine what she's going through and what this relationship is doing to her health, as well. If she loved herself, she would have let him go, too. My only point is that someone needs to let someone go. It'll do them both some good. There are plenty of fish in the sea, so they need to make like one and swim. 

Lyrical Facet Number Five

"The worst pain that I ever had"
Is it just me or does anyone else not see that this guy is a bit deranged. I'm not picking on him but I feel sorry for him. It seems that if you're going through the worst pain you ever had that you would kind of miss the lack of stress that you use to have. 

Maybe he's thinking that because this is his true first love that he would be less of man if he gave up so easily. Personally, I don't think he would be less of a man to give up and I wouldn't call it "so easily" because you've reached the point of questionable sanity. Anytime a woman has driven you to the unbelievable frequency point of stressing, crying, arguing, and questioning of your own judgement darn near ninety-nine point nine percent of the time then I think it's safe to say that you've given it your best try and it's just time to move on because your efforts are going unrecognized beyond belief. 

Lyrical Facet Number Six

"All the times when I know I should be smiling/ Seem to be the time that I frown the most/ Can't believe that we're still surviving"
So, this strenuous relationship has taken the guy's happiness, yet he still stands secure in his decision of courting this woman. Well, I do respect him for being confident in his decision (a not so healthy decision), but I like a man who go's after what he wants. Although, I hate that his pride stands in the way of his evolvement to bigger and better things as far as his personal life is concerned. 

Then again, when you're in a relationship and it stresses you to the point of distress of health condition then it's definitely going to negatively effect the other areas of your life. Let's be honest, loved ones seem to have a way of draining our energy and in turn we're left to feel like we've just be ran over by heard of wild animals. That feeling is liable to stay with you for the rest of the day, the rest of the week, maybe even the rest of the month depending on the frequency of the heard trampling. 

Lyrical Facet Number Seven

"Cause I'm slowly breaking down/ Even when I hold you close"
This line just speaks of desperation - desperation of this guy wanted to hold on (literally) to this woman forever and ever, amen. 

I guess it tells him nothing that even during a moment when things are supposed to be calm, loving, and non-stressful that his spirit still remains broken. He can't even be happy in a calm moment. 

When my man holds me I want him to feel stress-free, loved, serene, cozy, and spiritually intimate. When we're wrapped up together, the feeling shouldn't be anything be good because at that very moment it's all about he and I, and I as his woman would make sure that he knew and recognized that fact. A woman is supposed to de-stress her man whenever she gets the chance to, not send him fumbling into a blossom of tears.   

Lyrical Facet Number Eight 

"And if I lose you I'm afraid I would lose who/ Who I gave my love to/ That's the reason I stay around"
I respect the man trying to stay strong in the relationship but loss is apart of life. No, it's nothing to be taking lightly but as human beings journeying throughout this life you have to deal with loss. Yes, even the loss of a first love. He won't own the card to loss - there are plenty of others in the world that I'm sure share his same issues, you know, if he was to break up with her. 

Loss is one of God's lessons that He allows to happen in order to help us all appreciate the value of happiness as opposed to the pain of the lack thereof, and just because it's one of God's lessons  it's important to learn from, respect, and embrace such. Jesus even gives you loads of advice of how to cope in His word. There's even a popular prayer that is inspired by the advice of the Holy Bible written by theologian, Reinhold Niebuhr in 1943. It's the serenity prayer: 

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr


Lyrical Facet Number One

"Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong/ Where are the plans we made for two?"
~Adam Levine
This song is basically about a man who misses the woman he used to have and he spends the entire song reflecting on what they used to have and how much of everything is her fault. 

With that being said, he wouldn't have to ask where the times have gone and where the plans they once had together went if he would just focus on his own words, "baby, it's all gone wrong". Okay, so the reason why everything has gone down the drain is because something, obviously, went wrong. 

Your true task at hand is to really figure out where things went wrong. Once you do that, then that would give you a starting a point as to where control damage can begin. 

I think this needs to be said - I think it's best that you not blame the other person either. Nine times out of ten a relationship didn't end solely based on the merit and action of just one party but upon both parties. You have to really analyze your part in the breakup and figure out how you contributed to this tragic end that has you so stuck on relationship that the other person is obviously over.  

It's never positive to put all faults at the other persons door. That doesn't help the situation. That doesn't build back the bridges that you guys have lost. I'll tell you what it does. It makes the break up even more permanent that it was previously. Well, at least in her mind anyway - this guys mind is a bit misconstrued. 

If you want your man or woman back you need to let them know that you realize your part in the destruction of the relationship because while you may feel like you didn't do anything I'm pretty sure they feel completely opposite. By doing that, you're letting the person know that you have grown since you guys were last together and you are taking responsibility for your part in all of it. If the person that you're trying to get back isn't strongly set in their decision then you just may have a chance in changing their mind. 

Lyrical Facet Number Two

"Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember,/ The people we used to be"
~Adam Levine
Excuse me, but depending on what the two of you did to destroy the relationship, why in the world would you even want to dwell on the people that you used to be? Of course, I'm not saying that you should be the type of person that moves on with life without learning from your mistakes during the time you were the type of person you used to be. Please, do. 

Remember the type of person you used to be and remember all the negative things you did as that person and try and put a strong foot forward not to do those things again as you grow and involve into a better you. 

Depending on what the two of you did, then I can see why she's probably trying to forget the people you used to be and the situation in it's entirety. That would also explain her heavy avoidance of you and all who you talk to.

No, I don't condone violence but this old school photo was a bit comical.
Sometimes, people feel that you can't move forward from a relationship as long you keep on fraternizing with the ex, in the first place. Gee, I wonder why they feel that way. Probably, because they fear that'll the ex will try to keep a strong grip on them and get them back just like this guy that Adam is portraying in this song. 

It's sad because some people just don't know when enough is enough and then you end up having a stalker - a crazy person forever dwelling on a person that obviously no longer wants anything to do with them all because of their behavior in their past relationship. 

I think this guy in this song needs to respect the girl's wishes because when it comes down to it, you just can't make someone love you because love don't love nobody, honey. 

Please, tell me the benefit of being in a relationship with a person who doesn't love you the way that you love them - if they even love you at all. The guy in this song needs to learn how to pick his battles because the one that he's choosing to fight right now has left him broke from trying to get a hold of her on the payphone and has still allowed him to come out womanless in the end. Needless, to say he picked the wrong the battle. 

Lyrical Facet Number Three

"You say it's too late to make it/ But is it too late to try?"
~Adam Levine
This line is a commonly used line when a man is trying his best to get his girl back. I figure the guy is pretty desperate by this point. Then again, that's probably an understatement. When a man uses this line he thinks that being philosophically smart-mouthed will work, at least that's how I consider this line. 

If the girl says that it's too late to make it, then I'm pretty sure she's weighed the thought of all the energy that she would have to exert back into you and the relationship in order to even try to make it work again. My advice: don't try and play the woman stupid with your silly reverse psychological phrasing of age old lines. She's just going to get offended and then really not want to have anything to do with you even more so. 

Side Note: If you feel it necessary to write an entire song begging the woman to take you back then maybe that's a clear as day sign that she obviously thinks it's too late to try or maybe she just doesn't want to try anymore at all and forever. 

Sometimes it's really a silly move to even beg for someone to take you back because 1) you had to even beg in the first place and 2) this person might treat you as file as you treated them when you guys were first in relationship together. Maybe, this person plans to give you as good as she got, and if you weren't very good to this person anyway, then I strongly suggest that you watch your back. With that said, I guess you better be careful what you ask and beg for because you just might get that and then some. 

That's not saying that I would condone or participate in such behavior as a scorned female. I believe God's word when he says, "7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." ~Galatians 6: 7 - 8, KJV. 

While, I do believe that what a person sows, they will definitely reap I don't think it my place to send it back around to them because the bible also says: "19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." ~Romans 12:19, KJV. 

You see, it's not my place but the Lord's place to chastise the individual(s) that wronged me. As a virtuous woman, it is my place to just leave everything in the hands of the Lord because when you get down to it He knows what's best and He knows all. You don't know the future but God does. 

No, I'm not condoning people sitting around just spitefully waiting for the other person that wronged them to fall because that's not signs of you moving on with life in a positive way. That's signs of you holding on to the past, and believe me you don't want to be one of those people. Those people also have the potential to turn into stalkers, as well and no person is worth accommodation of a criminal record. I'm sure you've watched enough movies to know and understand all of that.

Lyrical Facet Number Four

"Still stuck in that time/ When we called it love,/ But even the sun sets in paradise"
~Adam Levine
That's this guy's problem: he's still stuck in the time when he and this woman were once together. He needs to find a way to move on. Some people try church and prayer. Others try psychologists and meditation. I favor option one but God made psychologists for a reason so maybe this guy needs to take part in both options. He would definitely be better off for it. You would think this guy had taken a major blow to his ego and that would have forced him to stop all this begging. 

I kind of feel for the guy. Yes, they once had love, but it's clear only one of you still hold that torch and it's not the woman who's love your vying for at the moment. 

By the way, if this guy, in the middle of all of this, realizes that even the sun sets in paradise (meaning, that all good things come to end) then why in the world does he persist on harping on the heart of this woman who's done with him. If all good things come to an end then it should be no surprise that his relationship fail to the same faith because something about it was obviously the bare opposite of good. 

Lyrical Facet Number Five

"If "Happy Ever After" did exist/ I would still be holding you like this/ All those fairy tales are full of sh*t/ One more f*cking love song, I'll be sick"
~Adam Levine
As a complete girly-girly, prissy, type of female I don't appreciate this guy's fairy tale hate he has going on. Hey, buddy, just because your latest relationship ended up in the crapper, doesn't mean that you have to ruin the dream for everyone else out there in the world. 

I know that every relationship is not argument and snag free but I am saying that a lot of couples do have their happily ever after. That's not to say the road wasn't difficult getting there (so maybe, that's why this guy is still holding on to this woman). 

Lyrical Facet Number Six 

"I gave you my love to borrow/ But you just gave it away"
~Adam Levine
I was wondering if this guy ever really thought this was the problem and the reason why the relationship ended - because he didn't go all in and give her his love to have instead of his love to borrow? Maybe, that's why she thought it was okay to give it away because it wasn't hers to have in the first place. It's obvious that his ex-girlfriend, like myself, plays for keeps. 

I'm going to speak for myself but I am sure that their other females out there who feel just the same as I do. I don't want a man to give me his love to borrow. I want him to do as I would do and give me his love to have. I want to know that he's all in when it comes to making this relationship work because if he's not then I don't want to be with him because it then becomes a heavily one-sided relationship. If he really loves me the way that he says that he does then he will have no problem with giving me his love. I don't want anything borrowed, old, or stolen and that goes for men and anything that else. 

Lyrical Facet Number Seven

"You can't expect me to be fine."
~Adam Levine
Why can't she expect you to be fine, exactly? It's a free country. You don't control your ex-girlfriend's thoughts. She can expect any and everything to be cool if she so pleases. You messed up some way, some how. Now, deal with the consequences. 

If you're not fine then you need to consult a higher power and figure out how to be fine. Guys really just get on my nerves when they try and tell a woman how, what, and when she can feel especially when the topic at hand is him. You don't own the woman, so don't waste your breathe telling her what she can feel. It's that simple. 

Besides, if you haven't come to the realization of the current state of the relationship or shall I say the lack thereof, then you need to be telling yourself how to feel and what to think because it's obvious that you're feeling and thinking all the wrong things and directing it all at the wrong woman. 

Lyrical Facet Number Eight

"I don't expect you to care"
~Adam Levine
You don't expect her to care, yet you're still vying for her love. This guy is so contradictory. I think he's really reaching the end of his rope and now he's just saying anything to flip the switch in his ex's mind and hopefully a switch that will draw her back to him. 

You say you don't expect her to care, then why did you even waste the time writing her this song? I'm going to name this guy Mr. Contradiction. 

Lyrical Facet Number Nine 

"Man f*ck that sh*t/ I'll be out spending all this money/ While you sitting around wondering"
~Wiz Khalifa
Well, I get the just of what Wiz is saying. He no longer cares because the ex obviously no longer cares and well, he's not going to dwell on the past but move forward and enjoy his wealth while doing so. I respect that but he didn't have to curse. That could be taken as though he obviously still cares because otherwise he wouldn't be so angry and hostile with all of his profanity use. 

On the other hand, he probably really is over the girl and maybe the f-word just suited his case of excitement that he has since he let go of the dead weight. 

One thing I do love is that Wiz is moving on and doing it in style. 


Lyrical Facet Number One

"Life should be on Cinemax"
~2 Chainz
Let's start this whole thing off on a positive note.
I really do think it would be interesting to see the life of 2 Chainz played out on television for the world to see. At the same time, when I observe 2 Chainz in his performance and interviews, it seems like he's more of the reserved, quiet, loner type. (I also get sneaky and mischievous from his vibe as well, but that's another story.)

Of course, I have no problems with that, because I'm also reserved. No, I don't mean that I'm completely anti-social either but I know how to hold things in the middle of the road and not stray too far to the left or too far to the right when it comes to socialization. Always remember that one is know by the company they keep. (Of course, there are exceptions to every rule but do you really want to test it? It's up to you.)

Lyrical Facet Number Two

"Bought my boo bigger tits and a bigger ass"
~2 Chainz
Okay, I get it. 2 Chainz likes what he likes when it comes to the physical anatomy of a woman. That's completely find with me and I know he's not the only man that feels like that.

While I'm all for people not settling when it comes to relationship mates - not settling in any shape, form, or fashion, I would also like to think that if a really good woman crossed his path, but didn't have the size of breasts or booty he was more favorable to, that he would at least be able to look past that and consider for (at least a short moment) that a good woman with a good spirit and good morals and values is standing right in front of him. He might not want to let her pass him by. Sometimes men often have just a hard of time finding and obtaining a good woman as women do obtaining a good man, and all I'm saying is that a man shouldn't let the lack of booty or breasts on a woman allow them to miss out on a good thing.

Let's be honest. Life isn't Burger King and you can't always have it your way. Once again, I do say strive for what you want in a mate but at the same time don't be so shallow that you allow that good man or woman to pass you by because a person is just more than their looks. If a person can't hold your attention intellectually how in the world do you expect to maintain a decent, exciting, healthy relationship with them? Let's not forget that in a lot of cases, looks do tend to fade as time passes by. I'm not going to put everybody in the same box because there are people out there who do actually age very well.

Now, some people would say, "Yes, choose a person by the likes of what's on the inside because looks can always be shifted and changed into what you like." That's only true to a certain extent because number 1: some people have a harder time changing and sculpting their bodies into a desired look and as for plastic surgery some people are just scared to go under the knife. Number two, you can't change a person's outward appearance unless they, too, are willing to change.

You can't get involved with a person and hope that as time progresses that this person will fall so deep in love with you that they will be willing to do any and everything for you when it comes to their own person appearance. Now every person out there is moved by sentiment. Not every person out there is moved by the power of love. Heck, some people even say that love has no power, which I strongly disagree with. Nevertheless, my point is that everyone is different and it's more easily said that done to get a person to change their outward appearance for you, especially if they're only doing it for you in the first place and not themselves as well. (Don't even let me get started on the inner spirit of a person. That's a horse of another color.)

Also, I'm no

Now, some people would say, "Yes, choose a person by the likes of what's on the inside because looks can always be shifted and changed into what you like." That's only true to a certain extent because number 1: some people have a harder time changing and sculpting their bodies into a desired look and as for plastic surgery some people are just scared to go under the knife. Number two, you can't change a person's outward appearance unless they, too, are willing to change.

You can't get involved with a person and hope that as time progresses that this person will fall so deep in love with you that they will be willing to do any and everything for you when it comes to their own person appearance. Now every person out there is moved by sentiment. Not every person out there is moved by the power of love. Heck, some people even say that love has no power, which I strongly disagree with.

Nevertheless, my point is that everyone is different and it's more easily said that done to get a person to change their outward appearance for you, especially if they're only doing it for you in the first place and not themselves as well. (Don't even let me get started on the inner spirit of a person. That's a horse of another color.)

Also, I'm not saying that a woman or a man shouldn't do things to change their appearance in order to please the special man or woman in their life. For example, if a couple was  married and the wife didn't dress as spicy for the bedroom or put forth as much effort when it comes to her appearance in other fashion as she used to before they got married then, yes, I say she would need to probably seek change. Men are visual and it's part of the woman's job to keep him visually enticed. It can do a lot of good for the relationship. I mean, I don't think you want your man shopping outside the relationship for a temporary fix - if you get my drift.

Men, on the other hand - let's say that he was in a relationship with a woman who was no longer attracted to him because he stilled dressed like he was stuck in the era of the seventies. (I personally favor the seventies among other various eras for various reasons.) Yes, she's been with him for a long while but maybe she only decided to put up with his embarrassing appearance this long because she thought it was just a phase or because she thought she may be able to change him.

Some women say that you shouldn't even think about changing a man unless he's in a diapers. That's a cute little joke but it holds true in a lot of relationships, new and old. Personally, I think he should consider trying to update his look a little, and it wouldn't be that hard to do.

I'm not saying that he has to throw away part of what makes him, him, but I am saying that it wouldn't hurt to try something different for the woman that has done so much for him in the past - for this woman that he says that he loves and would do anything for.

Fashion trends are always being recycled and given a new spin and then people want to call it current. Therefore, it wouldn't be so hard for him to find some clothes that were up to date but seventies inspired all at the same time. That way he's, as a man, able to maintain his true self. Mission accomplished. 

Ladies, all I'm saying is that it wouldn't kill you to try. If the man wants you to learn how to cook. Then surprise him and learn. No, it's not appearance related but it is a problem that various men face with their women that they wish they could improve.

If the man wants to see you go from short to long hair, then at least try it. If the man would like to see you in clothes that hug the body a bit more, then go buy some spanx and make it happen. You don't have to turn into the happy hooker, but some effort would be nice.

If the man wants you to maintain the house a bit better than you already do, especially if he's the only one working, then give it a try. If the man is tired of seeing you in the same old sweat suits then maybe you should try buying some more trendier, sexier casual, athletic wear.

If your man is tired of the natural makeup look, then maybe you should give a little 1960's pinup girl makeup - something sultry and sexy. My only point is that as his woman who loves him, it's important that you keep his fire burning for you. You need to be secure in knowing that your man want stray for one reason or another because a man will cheat for any reason and he'll do it in the blink of an eye and think nothing of it. Not all men are like that but incidents like that have repeated themselves ever since the beginning of time.

Men, if the woman wants you to shave your head bald instead of trying to hold on to that same on haircut with the deathly receding hair line then give it some thought. I know everyone doesn't look good with a bald head, but it just may benefit you or try a toupee. I even know of some straight men who actually have hair added. As a man, you have to be secure in yourself and the things you do to yourself, nevertheless.

Men, if the woman wants you to be a bit more cut, then start working out a bit more in an effort to sculpt your body into the Greek god she would like to see. She knows you can instantly become Zeus, but she will appreciate the effort.

Men, if the woman wants you to start wearing actual suits to church instead of doing the minimum of wearing khaki slacks and a button down shirt with some run on shoes to church, then put forth the effort and do so.

If the woman wants you to help out around the house a bit more then try to, especially if both of you are working. It's a fifty fifty split down the middle or at least that's the way it should be.

You see, when a woman sees that you're doing nothing more to make her happy and keep her interested in you then she will equate that to your lack of love that you no longer have for her. She's going to feel like if you really love her then you would put forth some effort to change this or change that, especially if it's going to make you look better and make you feel even better. 

It's going to become an issue of emotional disconnect for her, while it may not be all that serious to you. You may still be in love with her and have all the feelings that you had for her from the beginning but if it's not showing through your actions, then how she supposed to know that? 

Nevertheless, you don't won't her tempted to cheat on you with a man who happens to cross her path at work who she sees on a daily basis, works with closely, often has lunch with where she's coaxed into opening up to him to talk about the holes in the relationship between  you and her. When a woman feels like she's able to vulnerable with someone then that leads to trustability which means she's only getting closer to this man. 

You don't want her getting that close to another man after you've put so much time into the relationship. You don't work all your love to be in vain, so you need to show her that your love is real and it's still there before she runs across a man who has no problem doing that. 

A lot of men would only see the blame on their lady and fail to see their own faults but news flash: a woman doesn't just cheat to be cheating - there's a substantial and usually emotionally related reason behind it. 

No, that doesn't make it right but realize the consequences of your actions men. The bible says, "No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house." ~Mark 3:27, KJV. So, don't be the reason the next man is able to enter your territory and take it or her from you. Don't let the fault be yours. 

At the same time, the man or woman in the relationship should make sure that he or she is attempting the change for themselves first. They first must become comfortable with the idea of change so that they can successfully execute and maintain these changes, espcially if they seek it all to beneficial for this man or woman that they say that they're so deeply in love with.

I'm not saying that a man or woman should break their back trying to meet any small or petty demands of their special man or woman in their life. Sometimes, people are just nagging nit pickers who just like to control the other person and they talk just to hear themselves. Of course, knowing which type of person you're in a relationship has to be come to conclusion upon by your own evaluation. You know your special man or woman the best.

Lyrical Facet Number Three

"Who he's, not I"
~2 Chainz
This particular lyrical line just sounds a bit self-indulgent and gives me the vibe of, "I know I'm the stuff" type of thing. I get that 2 Chainz is proud of his accomplishments throughout life as he should be. He's one of the few that actually made it. I give him thumbs up for making it. That's all good.

Although, something about this line makes me think, "Well, there's nothing really wrong with being the other person," depending upon who the other person is, of course. (Not everyone's life is a good example you would like to pattern yours after. I'm just saying. No offense.) Moreover, there's nothing wrong with not being 2 Chainz or a person like 2 Chainz because not everyone strives for the same things in life. I know it's hard to believe, but there are those out there who do share the strong mind for obtaining money. (I differ from those people because I believe that financial security is a very important aspect of life, at least for my life, anyway, but that doesn't mean I can't empathize with the other people out there in the world.)

Lyrical Facet Number Four

"I smoke strong, that Popeye"
~2 Chainz
Is it just me, or is it not the dumbest thing you could do and admit that you smoke a lot of weed, pot, reefer, grass, dope, ganja, Mary Jane, hash, herb, Aunt Mary, skunk, boom, chronic, Sheba, blunt, ashes, bammy, blanket, bomber, cripple, or whatever else you want to call it. That's just stupid. 

I mean, it's just like throwing up a red flag to authorities that, "Hey, if you happen to see me driving down the road and pull me over, you might actually stand a chance of having the bragging rights to the  rest of the precinct that you actually brought down a rapper and not just any rapper but a rapper that was found with a great deal of "popeye" on him and stashed around in his car, as well". It's almost like asking for trouble. You're just throwing up a red target on yourself for authorities because it's very possible that one of them could see him out one day and just decide to mess with 2 Chainz and his whole crew if they happen to be with him. 

I know it's not right, but sometimes cops are just that messy. Sometimes some of them actually tend to take pride in bringing down people of high regard, especially a rapper, who of which prides themselves on being such a boss and being able to do any and everything that they are big enough to do. 

NOT ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT STAFF AND OFFICIALS ARE THE SAME. Nevertheless, I think it best that people who thinks it's okay to flaunt their heavy drug habits to actually think about all of the possible consequences of their flamboyant actions.

You know, I don't get why so many folks are being so careless these days when it comes to unleashing their personal business to the rest of the world. Just because whatever it is, is considered to be "cool" doesn't mean it's an actual smart move to let the public in on you and your business, especially if that business could afford you some jail time if caught. 

I'm not just referring to celebrities but also to regular people as well. Every so often, I'll run across a facebook or twitter profile where a particular person is posting pictures and tweeting about illegal activity with drugs (among other things). I have also ran across stories online where cops have actually caught and convicted people based upon their online networking activity, tweets, Facebook posts, etc. (Sometimes, it seems like these networking sites are doing more harm than good, but then again that statement is arguable.) 

Nevertheless, you can't dictate to a person what they should do with their money or health and how they should handle either, so as I always say, to each their own. 

SIDE NOTE: I'm not even going to go into the dangers of marijuana or at least not right now anyway because everyone knows that you should just say, "no" but everyone has their reasons for what they do, so I'm not even going to waste my energy. 

Lyrical Facet Number Five

"On the block with a block out/ Hit your a** with that block out"
~2 Chainz
These lyric could take on a few differrent meanings. He could be saying that he's standing on the streets with his gun out or he's standing out on the streets with a block of cocaine out. Now, I think the first option about the block being a gun is more of the meaning that he was going for, especially when the next line is, "Hit your a** with that block out". 

On the other hand, maybe he had slight intentions for both of the meanings, but then again you have to ask yourself, "Why in the world would anyone be absent-minded enough to walk the streets with a block of cocaine on them?" That just sounds ludacris to me. Therefore, I'm going to give 2 Chainz the benefit of the doubt because I think he's a lot smarter than that, and say that he was speaking in terms of a gun when he rapped the word, "block".

Now, that we've got that settled, I do understand why a person may feel like they need a gun on the streets, espeically depending upon the neighborhood and the activity of the gun holder (i.e. selling drugs). I get it (not because of experience but because I am an understanding, intellectual, intelligent female with common sense) and I know that in these days it's important for person to feel protected. Of course, I don't think that protection should come by any means necessary, especially when innocent lives are at risk. Let's be smart about this people.

Although, this lyric sends the message that it's okay to walk around with concealed weapons with the intention of use, if need be, in reference to the line, "Hit your a** with that block out", why does it have to necessarily be talking about a concealed weapon because the lyric does, in fact, say that the block is out - as in out in the open. Then again, maybe it's not meant to be taken so literal, so maybe the "block out" part just means that he won't hesitate to take it "out" if he has to. Just to be clear I don't condone of this negative activity that is described throughout this song.

Nevertheless, if a "fly off the handle" teenager kept brainwashing their selves with the likes of this song (they might not call it brainwashing but if they keep listening to the song over and over and over again, they are ingesting their mental plane with such behavior as described in the song) and the likes of these particular two lines tended to catch their ear a lot then eventually they may begin to find it difficult where to draw the line between "just music" and reality. 

Then a freak accident is at liberty to happen all because this teenager allowed this song to influence them negatively. I won't to recognize the fact that everybody isn't as easily influenced by music as others, so I mean no harm to anybody either way. If I have offended you I do apologize. 

My point is that this lyric combination sends such a strong message that I fear isn't really all that positive for any age that can't differentiate or have a hard time doing so between "just music" and the wise decisions that they should be making when it comes to their reality.

Lyrical Facet Number Six

"Dope enough to go in your nostrils"
~2 Chainz
This particular line, once again, makes a person question the meaning of the initial line, "On the block with a block out". Why? This line mentions dope and while I do know that dope also refers to something that a lot of people in the world consider "cool", it still could be word play on the concept of a "block" of cocaine. 

At the same time, it brings you back to same question of why a person would walk around with a whole block of cocaine on them in the first place. You could get a lot of time in jail for being caught with that much dope on you. 

Moreover, I'm brought back to my initial settled concept of "block" referring to a gun. If it is the gun concept then please tell me that 2 Chainz has never or would never blow somebody's brains out through their nostorils. Yes, I know most guns won't really fit in a nostril, but you could aim the gun up the nostril and the bullet could still shoot up there. If thats's the true meaning of the line then that paints such a gruesome image that I hope 2 Chainz was just being figurative about and not really meaning that he would or has done it before. Lord, I hope he hasn't bore witness to such execution, either. 

Lyrical Facet Number Seven

"I take your girl and kidnap her"
~2 Chainz
So, 2 Chainz is a lady's man - that's essentially what this line means but this is once again another violent crime - related figure of speech that he has used to describe what he would do and what he does in his daily life.

To kidnap someone is just crazy and it's not the type of message I would like to display to the public as a reflection of the type of person I am. Then again, a person might think to their selves, What if 2 Chainz really is the type of person to kidnap someone but he just keeps those types of thoughts burried at the trenches at the back of his mind and every so often they just flare up and show up in something, like his lyrics? It's a stray question to ask one's self, you know, if one was really trying to nit pick, but I'm not so I choose to not dwell on that stray question. 

Just to be clear, by no means am I saying the 2 Chainz has crime tendencies, such as kidnapping. Therefore, I boiled it down to him meaning that he was a lady's man, who could have any woman he wanted, even if she was involved with another man. (No, I don't condone that type of behavior either.) 

Lyrical Facet Number Eight

"Don't try me I pull that trigger"
~2 Chainz
Arlyne Brickman ~ One of the Top Most Notorious Female Gangsters in History
This next particular line just completely reinforced  and confirmed the idea that he would really shoot someone. I hope that these are just lyrics and not a reality for him and never was a reality for him. Gee, he's just so quick to rap about shooting someone if they cross him. 

Yeah, I know people have to be dealt with when they cross a person or when they disrespect a person in some shape, form, or fashion, but violence is never always the answer. Violence should be your last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last option. Some would say it shouldn't be an option at all, but people come from all walks of life and folks get pushed into corners where they're forced to either beat it or eat it - sink or swim. Some people's lives are just that dangerous, rather you want to accept it or not. You're not that person & you don't know them until you've truly walked in their shoes. Therefore, I send my prayers out to all people who are struggling and pray that God pulls them out of their distress. I mean that from my heart. 

Lyrical Facet Number Nine

"That pu**y so good I miss ya"
~2 Chainz
From Left to Right: (FIRST ROW) Tameka "Tiny" Cottle; Angelina Jolie; Coretta Scott King; First Lady Serita Jakes; Shanda Freeman; Tamia Marilyn Hill; Victoria Osteen; Sarah Jessica Parker; Chloe Kardashian; (SECOND ROW) Dolly Rebecca Parton; Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter; and Rasheeda Buckner
Needless to say this is one of the more crass lines out of this song. Truly, is that the only thing 2 Chainz values in a woman - how good the sex is? If that's the case, that proves not to be a sign of a man but a sign of a boy perpetrating a man. 

When you realize that a woman is more than just her physical appearance and performance then that's when you begin to show true relevance to your maturity level. Below is a poem by Carol Naumann that I think describes a "good" woman and what I wish a lot more men recognized about women. I know that there are some bad apples in the bunch of women in the world, but not all of us are the same.

A Good Woman By Carol Naumann 

One you should treasure, but not as a possession,
Who needs to be loved, not treated with aggression.
Her value is more than all the world's treasures,
Not just the sum of scale's unit measures.
She should always be built up, not torn down,
By all the words you speak, when she is around.
She needs to be hugged and not pushed away,
Especially when you both having a really bad day.
Words spoken to her in haste and anger,
Can place her fragile heart in danger.
She should be admired for her boundless love,
And looked upon as a true gift from Above.
Not used as a target for all your frustration,
But held close and kissed with loving admiration.
You should always appreciate her commitment to you,
And not take for granted what she's given up for you!
Kiss her and love her all that you possibly can,
And don't be embarrassed to be seen holding her hand.
Treasure each day as if it were the last,
And at the end of your life you won't be regretting your past.
Source: A Good Woman Poem 

Lyrical Facet Number Ten

"And all I get is cheese/ Like I'm taking pictures"
~2 Chainz
This line of the song I actually really love. Why? I love to take pictures because I'm super photogenic and while I refrain from using the usual picturesque phrase of "cheese" that line also made me smile.

I want to commend 2 Chainz for actually using a brighter, lighter, joyous simile to paint his melodic pictures. Honestly, when it comes down to it who really doesn't like making money? There's a powerful feeling one ingests when stacks of money tend to frequently blanket their bank account. Some say money is power and vice verso. What do you say?

Lyrical Facet Number Eleven

"I say fu*k you, 'less I'm with' ya/ If I take you out of the picture"
This has to be one of the most cockiness set of lines in this song. Don't get me wrong I love a confident man, but there's a strong difference between being cocky and being confident. Confident, I can work with in a man but cockiness - when he's walking around thinking he's the best thing since sliced bread - I refuse to deal with. I refuse to deal with it!

Cocky men think that women should bow down to them because of who they are, even if they're really nothing they have, nevertheless, convinced themselves otherwise. They think that any woman they choose should fall down on their knees and forever whorship the ground that he walks on. Well, guess what! This is not Spartacus (I love this Starz television series, by the way.) and I refuse to refer to and treat any man like my dominus. Oh, no! Not in this lifetime sugar foot - Not in this lifetime. 

I'm not saying that I'm better than anyone else but I am saying that as strong woman, I know my exact worth and any relationship I decide to invest my time in with that special man, it's going to be a two-way street. My mother and grandmother didn't raise a dummy. I believe that the good Lord will not allow me to play a Joseline to somebody's Stevie J. 

The very first part of this set of lines, "I say f*ck you, 'less I'm with ya", is like saying, 'Yeah, I'm a selfish person and unless you're willing to follow my program then to hell with you.' How utterly distasteful can you get with this very first line?

This line describes the science of so many cliques. If you don't have the favor of the ring leader then you can say hello to your new enemy and their mundane crew. It's not fair. A person shouldn't turn against someone else all because they decide to be their own perosn and have their own mind because following a clique is everything in life. There's more to life besides just doing what everybody else does. I hate to ask this age old question, but if everybody else jumped off a bridge, would you? 

By the way, if Drake wanted to tell somebody this, he could have used less harsh terminology to describe how he felt, of course, I realize that some words just don't put across your point like others, so to each their own. That's Drakes mouth and Drakes feelings and I respect that. That doesn't mean I condone or agree - I just merely respect his freedom on speech as I would want anyone else to do for me.

With the lines, "If I take you out of the picture/ I know real ni**as won't miss you", I have one question. What in the world is 2 Chainz's and Drake's obsession with wanting to take folks out? Do they get high off that - making others feel inadequate by their standards? Those two really need to grow up because those types of ideas aren't anything to be proud of. Making people feel inferior to you isn't anything to be proud of. 


Lyrical Facet Number One

"I'll trade my soul for a wish"
~Carly Rae
When I first heard this line I thought, "Now, that's something ignorant to do." I don't care if it is just a figure of speech because my bible teaches me that there's life and death in the tongue.

Why in the world would you volunteer the trade of your soul just for a wish? A soul that was created and given to you as gift from the Lord. ( Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. ~Ecclesiastes 12:7, KJV) That's just crazy to me. Like I said, figure of speech or not I wouldn't even think to form my lips to say/sing such words.

I value my soul and I have no desire to give it for anything. It's a gift from God and value any and everything given to me from the Lord because I know without Him I wouldn't be wear I am today.

According to the website,, Carly Rae was the one who actually wrote the song. From an artistry stand point, I say congratulations. It's a catchy song. It's in constant rotation. The words nicely connect and flow together.

Although, with that being said, I would like to know what personality or self-esteem malfunction does Carly have that would allow her to even feel like it's completely okay just to say, yeah, okay, I'll happily trade my soul for wish? Maybe, she just doesn't value her soul as much as others, but I'm not judging her. It's not my place. I respect her as an artist and everyone is entitled to their own choice of words.

With all due respect, let's just remember, this is my blog. This my platform, and that I, too, am entitle to my choice of words, opinions, and views.

Lyrical Facet Number Two

"Pennies and dimes for a kiss"
~Carly Rae Jepsen
I know this song is supposed to have a care free type of feel. It's supposed to be a happy, little, go-lucky, maybe even, flirty song. I get that, but I like to look deeper than the surface of what something is "supposed" to mean.

Simply put, this lyrics suggest that it's okay to exchange money for affection. I mean, just strictly, like some type of contractual agreement. I'm not judging anyone and I know that in this journey of life where people come from all walks of life, sometimes a person has to do what they have to do. That decision of course is that person's business.

My only point is, I don't think that this lyric particularly suggests the correct moral concept that the growing individuals of this world should be adoptive of. They shouldn't be coaxed through melodic song to make them feel like it's okay if they have to do this or they have to do that just to get this or just to get that favor and all because that's the way that life is and no, they don't offer anything as the lovely human being they are that would serve as worthy of such favor that doesn't, in fact, require the pleasing of someone else first. It suggest that happiness is only gathered at the mercy of someone else' hand and that's not true. As I always say, there's more than one way to skin a cat.

Lyrical Facet Number Three

"Pennies and dimes for a kiss/ I wasn't looking for this."
~Carly Rae Jepsen

Now, I also understand the concept for this lyric is that she through a penny and/or dime in the wishing well in hopes of her wish coming true, but then she turns right back around and says, she wasn't even looking for that.

This lyrical combo makes no sense because it's saying she wished for something she didn't even know of until after she did the wishing. It's backwards. Both lyrics contradict themselves. This lyrical combo could have been thought out better.

On the other hand, maybe it's that she was simply so happy, so excited, so wrapped up in the moment that yeah, she did get a little turned around and backwards. Nevertheless, wouldn't it make a lot more sense to find out what you want and then go and make the wish?

Lyrical Facet Number Four

"Where you think you're going, baby?"
~Carly Rae Jepson
By the time I got to this lyric I was thinking, "Wow, this girl really doesn't know what she wants." She had just said that she wasn't even looking for him and even got testy because the guy was in her way. Now, she wants to turn around and inquire about where he's going. It's obvious that he's going far, far away from you.

You told him he was in your way and you weren't even looking for him. No man wants to stand around and wait for rejection, so he gets the heck of dodge. Sometimes a man's pride is everything and to bruise that is sometimes just as bad as kicking him in the testicles: it hurts either way.

Some women take pride in being able to control a man and damage his pride and ego. Personally, I think those types of women are insecure and are sick individuals who, for their own personal entertainment, like to make their men dance like puppets.

Nick Tarabay & Manu Bennett
I'm not the type of woman who feels the need to go around bling - blinging with my man's nuts. It's just not that serious. I need a man who can be assertive, respectful of course, but assertive nevertheless. I want a man who can make his own decisions.

I want a man who doesn't need my hard grip around his throat twenty-four seven, and if that's the case with a man then it's obviously something wrong with him and I don't need him in the first place. Part of being a man is being able to stand on your own two feet. I'm not saying that men should be above asking for help because part of being a man is also knowing when it's time to just break down and ask for some assistance.  In addition, we ladies know that a lot of being often take they're pride and ego to entirely new level and would rather suffer than ask for help. I don't need or want that kind of man either.

Is it the fact that that Carly took a second look at what he was working with it when it came to the "skin [that was] showing"? Then, she thought to herself, "Wow, this looks like the type of guy, I would be into. Maybe, I should give him a chance and really see what he's all about."

Sometimes people don't realize what they had until they begin to watch it slowly slip out their hands. That's just another reason why people need to find and appreciate the value in the loved ones that God has allowed to grace their lives - no matter the period, time, or season. In all things one should give thanks. ("In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. ~1 Thessalonians 5:18")

Maybe, it's that Carly has mistaken his gaze for her when it, in fact, really was for another woman. Now, she finds herself chasing after a man who's not even interested, and if that 's the case I'm sure that if she knew this from the beginning she wouldn't have to ask where he's going. She would know he's obviously trying to get away from this crazy girl who's chasing after him because she thinks they had a connection.

This particular situation is so true for many women. We women, as emotional creatures, can so easily be captured by a false connection spurred by mixed signals on the guy's part. There are those females out there who, after coming into the knowledge of the truth, still refuse to let go of the guy and become psychotic individuals who want what they want at the expense of the other person.

Then there are the females out there who are forever damaged due to such an ill begotten connection of confusion and they spend moments on in asking their selves what's so wrong with them, that the guy wouldn't want her, in the first place. In addition, when you get down to it, it may not even be that deep of issue. The guy may already be a relationship with another woman who you know nothing about for whatever reason, and things like that happens, so as mature, adult woman you must learn how to roll with the punches and focus on the future.

Lyrical Facet Number Five

"Hey, I just met you,/ And this is crazy,
But here's my number,/ So call me, maybe?"
~Carly Rae Jepsen
These first four lines of the chorus - all of it - sounds completely nutty. Okay, so just "met" a man of which she nor he were properly obliged with a proper introduction of name, small talk and that sort of thing. Of course, that has no merit upon the situation. Carly is just going to give her number to a complete stranger - A COMPLETE STRANGER!!

This is why I say there is some type of disconnect in the brain of Carly Rae. There's some type of malfunction where some sense of reasoning and common sense isn't connecting for whatever reason. This is not the type of message, she as a celebrity role model, should be sending to the young female public - that it's okay to give your contact information to a complete stranger all because you just believe that you all have had this grand connection, a connection that you just have to follow up on because as young as you are you will never again in life get such an opportunity with some boy. Child, please. Give me a break.

Number one, I would never in a million years approach a man - not because I'm incapable of doing so but because I'm a bit old fashioned Southern when it comes to the beginning whims of courtship between a man and a woman. I believe that things just have to go a certain way, especially in  the beginning because it's the initial actions that sets  the tone for the rest of the relationship.

If I wanted to be alpha in the relationship, sure, I would approach but I don't have a desire to be such in the relationship nor set the tone for such behavior on my part. I'm all for independence but it's a difference between being independent while being considered as an equal and being an overly vocal controlling female.

Besides, I want a man who truly embraces his gender title and approaches me by his own merit. As the female, the only thing I should have to do is give him "the look", give him little but obvious flirtatious signals here and there and that would automatically let him know that I'm interested and that he definitely has a chance with me right off the bat, so there's no need for him to even feel unsure of himself when it comes to the topic of rejection. If he's a real man and really wants me, then he should have no problems approaching me.

Don't get me wrong, I don't intend to playing those silly hard to get games where one person acts like she doesn't want the guy when she really does all in an attempt to keep him chasing her. I hate playing games. If I'm interested and you're interested let's just both be up front about it and begin courtship. I do intend to be very honest and I refuse to sugarcoat things and cut corners because all that foolery is uncalled for, especially when it comes to the terms of relationship that courtship that it lays in.

Number two, I would never voluntarily give my number to a man who I really haven't even formerly met, a man who've I've yet even to know his name or he mine. That's completely stupid and unsafe. Do you know how much a person can find out these days with just your phone number? For one, they can find out where you live. Then if they're completely psycho they could stalk you or even worse. God forbid such occurrences.

Let's be real, it's not like these types of things have never happened before and aren't still happening because they are. This world is filled with all kinds of mentally unstable people and some of the most dangerous are those who are so inviting and are just deceitful and charming enough to get you to approach them.

Then the next thing you know you're filing for restraining orders or being photographed nude by some cop because you're some victim of rape that suffered vast abusive injuries (internally & externally). I know that all of this may seem like a bit much to think about or it may seem that I'm taking it too far and over thinking things, but think about all of those living and deceased individuals who fail victim to such activity who wished they would have taken that far.

If only they had kept their contact information to their self in the first place, it wouldn't have been so easy for this complete stranger (who've they yet to really even blubber ten good sentences to) to track them down. If you play with a puppy he'll lick you in the mouth and if you lie down with dogs, you're going to get up with fleas.

Lyrical Facet Number Six

"It's hard to look right,/ At you baby,
But here's my number,/ So call me, maybe?"
~Carly Rae Jepsen
This is a little ironic but if you can't even manage to look the man in the eyes, doesn't that prove a red flag right there? Is the problem with you or with him? Then again does it really even matter? The point is you're having a problem even stealing a two or three second gaze straight into his eyes. Yet, in the midst of those small facts you still intend on giving him your number. Wow!! Okay! Enough said.

Lyrical Facet Number Seven

"And all the other boys,/ Try to chase me,
But here's my number,/ So call me, maybe?"
~Carly Rae Jepsen
This is also ironically stupid and leads me to this questions, "Why do you want a man who doesn't want you or at least hasn't given proof or gesture towards the purpose, and why do you continue on ignoring the wagons of men who do in fact want you and even chase you?"

It sounds to me like Carly is one of those types of females who likes to be the chaser. I've been there, done that and it back fired like a bad habit. I speak from experience. Approaching the man isn't the way. Yes, it works for some women. There's exceptions to every rule but I believe what I believe, nevertheless. Respectfully speaking, to each their own.

Lyrical Facet Number Eight

"You took your time with the call,/ I took no time with the fall
You gave me nothing at all,/ But still, you're in my way"
~Carly Rae Jepsen
By this part of the song, it starts to truly sound like Carly has some type of psychological problem that prevents her from seeing the reality of situations. Maybe, it's a psychological sociological combination type of issue.

In these lyrics it sounds to me as if it's one of two things: the guy doesn't want her and she refuses take no for an answer or he's a womanizer that likes playing games and using his missed signals to play a woman's emotions in order to keep her hanging on his little string. Either way, Carly needs to step back, take a serious look at the situation, analyze it, develop a solution, and then put that solution into action.

He took his own sweet little time to even call Carly. He's either not interested; already involved, interested but just can't seem to get rid of the woman he's already got; or he's interested but thinks that he must play some type of game and follow that age old stupid rule of waiting a certain amount of time before you call the person so you don't seem so desperate.

If it's the case of him just simply not being interested in her, then she needs to get it to- and -gether and move the crap on.

If it's the case where he's interested in you but is still trapped in another relationship then you should also get it to- and -gether and move the crap on. It's not attractive for any woman to wait around for man, especially for one who you barely even know, in the first place.

Also, think about if he did actually call you and his girlfriend, fiance, or wife found out and then she called you ready to curse you out and fight. What if he's involved with a woman that happens to be the "fly-off-the-handle" type? That's a whole different color of a horse you weren't even expecting nor prepared for. The best thing to do in this case is just to leave him alone until he's completely unattached in every way from another female.

If it's the case where he's just some type of womanizer or he's a heavy game player, then you definitely don't need him then, especially if you're the type of woman that has to be first position as the only position. Personally, I can't be number one, I have to be the only one. Now, if you're the type of woman that's a free spirit and you're up for playing the games then to each their own. Go ahead and do you, although I don't recommend marching to the beat of his drum.

Carly states that she took no time to fall. Well, that's obvious. You've fallen for a man who you haven't even really talked to. Don't even know the man's name. That's a problem.

Then she goes on to say that he gave her nothing at all. Now, if that's not a clear sign that he's not interested, I don't know what the heck is. Even if he ends up telling here that he does in fact want her, it's obvious that he doesn't want her the way that he should because he hasn't given her any necessary effort of proper courtship, not even friendship for that matter. Wake up, Carly. I think it's safe to say at this point of the song that he's no longer in your way but that you're in his way.


Lyrical Facet Number 1

"It is a weeping, and a moaning, and a gnashing of teeth
It is a weeping, and a moaning, and a gnashing of teeth
When it comes to my sound which is the champion sound
Believe! Believe!"
~Super Beagle
"Yeah, this sounds like my champion sound."
When, I first heard these lyrics and actually could make out what in the world was being said in the first place a red flag went up. The more I listened to it, the more I thought about it and finally made the connection to Matthew 13:42: “And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” Interpretation of the combination of these lyrics of this bridge can go several different ways.

Option number one is of course due to the fact that these particular set of lyrics of the song  “Dust a Sound Boy” by Super Beagle’s (a Jamaican Dancehall track) were just more highly favored by Kanye. Maybe, he just simply liked the sound, liked the way the words flowed with the rest of the piece. On the other hand, these lyrics could have spurred the entire project in the first place. It could be just one of those things that just happened to fall in place.

Then again, it's hard to overlook the hell-ridden meaning and reference of those lyrics. Are these lyrics to mean that when it comes to Kanye's sound and the way he flows, everyone else stands matchless against him because he possesses the sounds of a champion? Is Kanye trying to say that his flow and lyrical skills bring hell upon those who stand matchless to his caliber?

In the second place, why must he use such lyrics to describe how dangerous of a lyrical artist he is? The lyrics, "It is a weeping, and a moaning, and a gnashing of teeth", paint such a gruesome image because that is, in fact, what goes on in hell. Hell isn't a pleasant place, obviously, but maybe that's the type of imagery that Kanye wishes to confer in connection to his caliber of skills in his career in order to send a public signal that he stands alpha in the rap game. Then, if that is the case, must he use imagery of hell to do so? I think not! There's more than one way to skin a cat. It's obvious that he wanted to skin his cat in this way, but that doesn't mean that's it's the best option.


If Kanye has such a champion sound, why wouldn't he compare it to something more highly positive but something yet of power. He's an artist and if he really wanted to, he could. Nevertheless, it stands his music, his mouth, his time, his mind. It's all on him. All I'm saying is that there are better lyrical options when it come to imagery of how much of beast you are when it comes to your career and the aspects thereof.

Honestly, those particular lyrics keep me from even  listening or appreciating the song period. Don't get me wrong, the tune is nice. The flows of all the artists who participated in this song falls really nicely throughout the piece. Otherwise, the overall message is a little distorted when one really puts forth a full analysis. I understand the message, but that doesn't change the fact that it paints such a distorted picture.

Lyrical Facet Number 2

Is this really necessary?
"Roll my weed on it, that’s an ass tray"
~Big Sean
That whole entire line just sounds ignorant. It means exactly what it says, and if it does bare another non-obvious meaning it would be nice to actually hear it from the mouth of Big Sean, himself. Until then, allow me to render my analysis and opinions.

Why in the world would you even promote smoking weed, period? I'm not even going to get into the "just say no drugs" speech, but let's be honest - drugs do take a toll on a body over time, especially if it's smoked on a regular basis. Just because the results aren't instant, that doesn't mean it's a healthy drug to take part in. There are cases of people who have died just from their first use. Nevertheless, to each their own.

We are more than an arm piece.
Number two, I hope Big Sean is kidding about rolling weed on a females behind. I hope that these lyrics are just a play on words because the very thought of someone doing that is just repulsive and not to mention demeaning to females everywhere. It's like saying we can't do anything for you but be your object of random use thrown at the feet of a man's every whim and wham. For that matter, rolling weed on any one is demeaning and unacceptable.

I hope this lyric holds no actual merit in events of reality because if it does my next question would be, "What woman in her right mind would allow such activity to occur on her body or even in her presence, for that matter?" I really hope that there's not an actual female out there that allowed a man to roll weed on her behind - clothed or unclothed.

To entertain such a thought stands crass in any form. I don't look down on Big Sean for this lyric, but just say that he could have said something else besides that. I mean, really, in all actuality do you have to take it there? It implies that you have no respect for women in the way that you should. The fact still remains that it's Big Sean's mouth and he can say whatever he likes, but that doesn't halt my rendering of free speech, with all due respect, of course.

Lyrical Facet Number 3

"I work them long nights, long nights to get a pay day"
~Big Sean
This lyric, to me, just sounds so shallow. He works long nights only fueled by the forth coming of a paycheck. While I do appreciate his honesty, that doesn't excuse his selfish lyrics.

This lyric implies that Big Sean has a strong love for money. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with liking money. I like money, but who doesn't? Although, it is the love of money that brings problems. (For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. -1 Timothy 6:10, KJV/ The love of money causes all kinds of trouble. Some people want money so much that they have given up their faith and caused themselves a lot of pain. -1 Timothy 6:10, CEV.)

I'm not saying that one should feel sorrowful for containing the desire to have money, but in Big Sean's case, after he's been in the game for a while as a successful rapper who is used to the money rolling in at the frequency level that it does, then there just has to be something else that fuels his desire to work those long nights. Is it a mother that raised him as a single parent? Is a grandmother who suffered death, hell, and destruction, so that he may be taken care of? Is it a son or daughter that holds his heart? Is it a special lady in his life that knows him inside and out and was there if before he became, "Big Sean"? I like seeing the best in people and I like to think that people are of greater depth than they actually portray. That is why I question Big Sean's true motivation for working late nights in the studio a lot. There is more to him than current image would have you believe.

Lyrical Facet Number 4

"And ni*%as still hatin’, so much hate I need an AK"
~Big Sean
"She thinks she's so much better than me."
As for this lyric, I understand first hand what it's like to be hated on, to be tortured day after day as a result of others hate and jealousy. I know the type of emotional damage it causes and the affect that it has on your self-esteem. Nevertheless, out of all the tings that I've been through with various hateful individuals, I would never think to resort to such violence, especially anything involving guns.

This lyric just sounds like it's promoting violence. Everyone is different and to some people it may sound like the lyric is saying that it's okay for them to pop a cap in someone all because that person did or said something to them that they felt like was hate. It's not okay to resort to violence just because someone is hating on you. From experience, I know that a lot of those haters aren't worth the breathe it takes to even tell them to leave you alone, so they're definitely not even worth a bullet (of even the cheapest caliber of ammunition).

With haters, I often practice the art of disregard. While I do realize that no reaction is sometimes the cause of worse retaliation to you on behalf of the haters, it's often smart to just ignore the person. Always remember that a person can't argue by themselves. They try to prove how less of a person you are but they don't realize that in the process of all they're foolishness, they're just making themselves look stupid, selfish, petty, unlearned, etc. If you just choose to ignore them, they'll stop eventually and by doing that you prove how much more mature you are and how much stronger you are mentally.  Without even retaliating you prove to the rest of the world how much more superior you stand when it comes to the definition of your adulthood compared to theirs. One must be able to stand steadfast in the midst of the battle, to one day see it's end and take part in the rejoicing of the victory.

Of course, I realize that some confrontations just can't be avoided, so if you feel like you must fight or you get pushed into a corner where you have no choice but to fight, I say fight with you're fists but not guns, knives, or anything of the sort. You use your fists, so that each of you may live to see another day.

Lyrical Facet Number 5

"I step in Def Jam building like I’m the sh*t/ Tell ‘em “give me fifty million or I’mma quit”
~Kanye West
This lyric just screams arrogant to me. Yes, of course, I realize  Kanye is quite arrogant or at least he displays frequent signs of arrogance. Although, I do feel like Kanye is a deeply intellectual soul who struggles with life sometimes that sometimes result in unwise actions, especially since the death of his mother occurred. God Bless Him. I know what it's like to loose a parent.

The Bible says: "For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself." I'm not saying that Kanye is nothing; I think Kanye's skills as a lyrical artist proves him to be one of the best rappers of this lifetime that will go down in history as such. What I am saying is, if he really feels like this, then he just shouldn't because it's not good to think more of yourself than others think of you. I'm not saying that he should fashion his life upon the way others feel about him, but I'm saying that letting all the fame and glory go to your head is an unattractive trait in any person.

This lyric says that he's the type of man that pushes his weight around because he knows that he's just that bad and can get away with it. Even if you know you can get away with stuff like telling people to give you what you want right then or you'll do this or do that, that doesn't necessarily mean that you should take advantage of such situations. What one sews, that shall they also reap. What goes around comes around.  What goes up must come down. Would Kanye West like someone to hold him over the barrel for his compliance with certain ultimatums? I know he wouldn't like that shoe on his foot.

I really hope that this lyric is not a reflection of something he actually did in real life because that's just such an arrogant option, especially when a just cause is not given.

Lyrical Fact Number 6

"I’m drunk and high at the same time"
~2 Chainz
This is another lyric that I hope is merely just a lyric and not a reality to this young man's life.

Why in the world would you get drunk and high at the same time? It sounds to me like he would be trying to reach an all new sky high, high, high.

It's not safe to be drunk and high at the same time and just because you know of people who've done it and have functioned fairly well under all the influence doesn't mean that your body will react the same to such toxic combinations. Everyone's tolerance level is different and I would hope and pray that you would have the God-given sense not to want to test your tolerance by measure of mixing alcohol and drugs together. I mean, just how disconnected from this world do you want to feel?