Lyrical Facet Number One

"I'll trade my soul for a wish"
~Carly Rae
When I first heard this line I thought, "Now, that's something ignorant to do." I don't care if it is just a figure of speech because my bible teaches me that there's life and death in the tongue.

Why in the world would you volunteer the trade of your soul just for a wish? A soul that was created and given to you as gift from the Lord. ( Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. ~Ecclesiastes 12:7, KJV) That's just crazy to me. Like I said, figure of speech or not I wouldn't even think to form my lips to say/sing such words.

I value my soul and I have no desire to give it for anything. It's a gift from God and value any and everything given to me from the Lord because I know without Him I wouldn't be wear I am today.

According to the website,, Carly Rae was the one who actually wrote the song. From an artistry stand point, I say congratulations. It's a catchy song. It's in constant rotation. The words nicely connect and flow together.

Although, with that being said, I would like to know what personality or self-esteem malfunction does Carly have that would allow her to even feel like it's completely okay just to say, yeah, okay, I'll happily trade my soul for wish? Maybe, she just doesn't value her soul as much as others, but I'm not judging her. It's not my place. I respect her as an artist and everyone is entitled to their own choice of words.

With all due respect, let's just remember, this is my blog. This my platform, and that I, too, am entitle to my choice of words, opinions, and views.

Lyrical Facet Number Two

"Pennies and dimes for a kiss"
~Carly Rae Jepsen
I know this song is supposed to have a care free type of feel. It's supposed to be a happy, little, go-lucky, maybe even, flirty song. I get that, but I like to look deeper than the surface of what something is "supposed" to mean.

Simply put, this lyrics suggest that it's okay to exchange money for affection. I mean, just strictly, like some type of contractual agreement. I'm not judging anyone and I know that in this journey of life where people come from all walks of life, sometimes a person has to do what they have to do. That decision of course is that person's business.

My only point is, I don't think that this lyric particularly suggests the correct moral concept that the growing individuals of this world should be adoptive of. They shouldn't be coaxed through melodic song to make them feel like it's okay if they have to do this or they have to do that just to get this or just to get that favor and all because that's the way that life is and no, they don't offer anything as the lovely human being they are that would serve as worthy of such favor that doesn't, in fact, require the pleasing of someone else first. It suggest that happiness is only gathered at the mercy of someone else' hand and that's not true. As I always say, there's more than one way to skin a cat.

Lyrical Facet Number Three

"Pennies and dimes for a kiss/ I wasn't looking for this."
~Carly Rae Jepsen

Now, I also understand the concept for this lyric is that she through a penny and/or dime in the wishing well in hopes of her wish coming true, but then she turns right back around and says, she wasn't even looking for that.

This lyrical combo makes no sense because it's saying she wished for something she didn't even know of until after she did the wishing. It's backwards. Both lyrics contradict themselves. This lyrical combo could have been thought out better.

On the other hand, maybe it's that she was simply so happy, so excited, so wrapped up in the moment that yeah, she did get a little turned around and backwards. Nevertheless, wouldn't it make a lot more sense to find out what you want and then go and make the wish?

Lyrical Facet Number Four

"Where you think you're going, baby?"
~Carly Rae Jepson
By the time I got to this lyric I was thinking, "Wow, this girl really doesn't know what she wants." She had just said that she wasn't even looking for him and even got testy because the guy was in her way. Now, she wants to turn around and inquire about where he's going. It's obvious that he's going far, far away from you.

You told him he was in your way and you weren't even looking for him. No man wants to stand around and wait for rejection, so he gets the heck of dodge. Sometimes a man's pride is everything and to bruise that is sometimes just as bad as kicking him in the testicles: it hurts either way.

Some women take pride in being able to control a man and damage his pride and ego. Personally, I think those types of women are insecure and are sick individuals who, for their own personal entertainment, like to make their men dance like puppets.

Nick Tarabay & Manu Bennett
I'm not the type of woman who feels the need to go around bling - blinging with my man's nuts. It's just not that serious. I need a man who can be assertive, respectful of course, but assertive nevertheless. I want a man who can make his own decisions.

I want a man who doesn't need my hard grip around his throat twenty-four seven, and if that's the case with a man then it's obviously something wrong with him and I don't need him in the first place. Part of being a man is being able to stand on your own two feet. I'm not saying that men should be above asking for help because part of being a man is also knowing when it's time to just break down and ask for some assistance.  In addition, we ladies know that a lot of being often take they're pride and ego to entirely new level and would rather suffer than ask for help. I don't need or want that kind of man either.

Is it the fact that that Carly took a second look at what he was working with it when it came to the "skin [that was] showing"? Then, she thought to herself, "Wow, this looks like the type of guy, I would be into. Maybe, I should give him a chance and really see what he's all about."

Sometimes people don't realize what they had until they begin to watch it slowly slip out their hands. That's just another reason why people need to find and appreciate the value in the loved ones that God has allowed to grace their lives - no matter the period, time, or season. In all things one should give thanks. ("In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. ~1 Thessalonians 5:18")

Maybe, it's that Carly has mistaken his gaze for her when it, in fact, really was for another woman. Now, she finds herself chasing after a man who's not even interested, and if that 's the case I'm sure that if she knew this from the beginning she wouldn't have to ask where he's going. She would know he's obviously trying to get away from this crazy girl who's chasing after him because she thinks they had a connection.

This particular situation is so true for many women. We women, as emotional creatures, can so easily be captured by a false connection spurred by mixed signals on the guy's part. There are those females out there who, after coming into the knowledge of the truth, still refuse to let go of the guy and become psychotic individuals who want what they want at the expense of the other person.

Then there are the females out there who are forever damaged due to such an ill begotten connection of confusion and they spend moments on in asking their selves what's so wrong with them, that the guy wouldn't want her, in the first place. In addition, when you get down to it, it may not even be that deep of issue. The guy may already be a relationship with another woman who you know nothing about for whatever reason, and things like that happens, so as mature, adult woman you must learn how to roll with the punches and focus on the future.

Lyrical Facet Number Five

"Hey, I just met you,/ And this is crazy,
But here's my number,/ So call me, maybe?"
~Carly Rae Jepsen
These first four lines of the chorus - all of it - sounds completely nutty. Okay, so just "met" a man of which she nor he were properly obliged with a proper introduction of name, small talk and that sort of thing. Of course, that has no merit upon the situation. Carly is just going to give her number to a complete stranger - A COMPLETE STRANGER!!

This is why I say there is some type of disconnect in the brain of Carly Rae. There's some type of malfunction where some sense of reasoning and common sense isn't connecting for whatever reason. This is not the type of message, she as a celebrity role model, should be sending to the young female public - that it's okay to give your contact information to a complete stranger all because you just believe that you all have had this grand connection, a connection that you just have to follow up on because as young as you are you will never again in life get such an opportunity with some boy. Child, please. Give me a break.

Number one, I would never in a million years approach a man - not because I'm incapable of doing so but because I'm a bit old fashioned Southern when it comes to the beginning whims of courtship between a man and a woman. I believe that things just have to go a certain way, especially in  the beginning because it's the initial actions that sets  the tone for the rest of the relationship.

If I wanted to be alpha in the relationship, sure, I would approach but I don't have a desire to be such in the relationship nor set the tone for such behavior on my part. I'm all for independence but it's a difference between being independent while being considered as an equal and being an overly vocal controlling female.

Besides, I want a man who truly embraces his gender title and approaches me by his own merit. As the female, the only thing I should have to do is give him "the look", give him little but obvious flirtatious signals here and there and that would automatically let him know that I'm interested and that he definitely has a chance with me right off the bat, so there's no need for him to even feel unsure of himself when it comes to the topic of rejection. If he's a real man and really wants me, then he should have no problems approaching me.

Don't get me wrong, I don't intend to playing those silly hard to get games where one person acts like she doesn't want the guy when she really does all in an attempt to keep him chasing her. I hate playing games. If I'm interested and you're interested let's just both be up front about it and begin courtship. I do intend to be very honest and I refuse to sugarcoat things and cut corners because all that foolery is uncalled for, especially when it comes to the terms of relationship that courtship that it lays in.

Number two, I would never voluntarily give my number to a man who I really haven't even formerly met, a man who've I've yet even to know his name or he mine. That's completely stupid and unsafe. Do you know how much a person can find out these days with just your phone number? For one, they can find out where you live. Then if they're completely psycho they could stalk you or even worse. God forbid such occurrences.

Let's be real, it's not like these types of things have never happened before and aren't still happening because they are. This world is filled with all kinds of mentally unstable people and some of the most dangerous are those who are so inviting and are just deceitful and charming enough to get you to approach them.

Then the next thing you know you're filing for restraining orders or being photographed nude by some cop because you're some victim of rape that suffered vast abusive injuries (internally & externally). I know that all of this may seem like a bit much to think about or it may seem that I'm taking it too far and over thinking things, but think about all of those living and deceased individuals who fail victim to such activity who wished they would have taken that far.

If only they had kept their contact information to their self in the first place, it wouldn't have been so easy for this complete stranger (who've they yet to really even blubber ten good sentences to) to track them down. If you play with a puppy he'll lick you in the mouth and if you lie down with dogs, you're going to get up with fleas.

Lyrical Facet Number Six

"It's hard to look right,/ At you baby,
But here's my number,/ So call me, maybe?"
~Carly Rae Jepsen
This is a little ironic but if you can't even manage to look the man in the eyes, doesn't that prove a red flag right there? Is the problem with you or with him? Then again does it really even matter? The point is you're having a problem even stealing a two or three second gaze straight into his eyes. Yet, in the midst of those small facts you still intend on giving him your number. Wow!! Okay! Enough said.

Lyrical Facet Number Seven

"And all the other boys,/ Try to chase me,
But here's my number,/ So call me, maybe?"
~Carly Rae Jepsen
This is also ironically stupid and leads me to this questions, "Why do you want a man who doesn't want you or at least hasn't given proof or gesture towards the purpose, and why do you continue on ignoring the wagons of men who do in fact want you and even chase you?"

It sounds to me like Carly is one of those types of females who likes to be the chaser. I've been there, done that and it back fired like a bad habit. I speak from experience. Approaching the man isn't the way. Yes, it works for some women. There's exceptions to every rule but I believe what I believe, nevertheless. Respectfully speaking, to each their own.

Lyrical Facet Number Eight

"You took your time with the call,/ I took no time with the fall
You gave me nothing at all,/ But still, you're in my way"
~Carly Rae Jepsen
By this part of the song, it starts to truly sound like Carly has some type of psychological problem that prevents her from seeing the reality of situations. Maybe, it's a psychological sociological combination type of issue.

In these lyrics it sounds to me as if it's one of two things: the guy doesn't want her and she refuses take no for an answer or he's a womanizer that likes playing games and using his missed signals to play a woman's emotions in order to keep her hanging on his little string. Either way, Carly needs to step back, take a serious look at the situation, analyze it, develop a solution, and then put that solution into action.

He took his own sweet little time to even call Carly. He's either not interested; already involved, interested but just can't seem to get rid of the woman he's already got; or he's interested but thinks that he must play some type of game and follow that age old stupid rule of waiting a certain amount of time before you call the person so you don't seem so desperate.

If it's the case of him just simply not being interested in her, then she needs to get it to- and -gether and move the crap on.

If it's the case where he's interested in you but is still trapped in another relationship then you should also get it to- and -gether and move the crap on. It's not attractive for any woman to wait around for man, especially for one who you barely even know, in the first place.

Also, think about if he did actually call you and his girlfriend, fiance, or wife found out and then she called you ready to curse you out and fight. What if he's involved with a woman that happens to be the "fly-off-the-handle" type? That's a whole different color of a horse you weren't even expecting nor prepared for. The best thing to do in this case is just to leave him alone until he's completely unattached in every way from another female.

If it's the case where he's just some type of womanizer or he's a heavy game player, then you definitely don't need him then, especially if you're the type of woman that has to be first position as the only position. Personally, I can't be number one, I have to be the only one. Now, if you're the type of woman that's a free spirit and you're up for playing the games then to each their own. Go ahead and do you, although I don't recommend marching to the beat of his drum.

Carly states that she took no time to fall. Well, that's obvious. You've fallen for a man who you haven't even really talked to. Don't even know the man's name. That's a problem.

Then she goes on to say that he gave her nothing at all. Now, if that's not a clear sign that he's not interested, I don't know what the heck is. Even if he ends up telling here that he does in fact want her, it's obvious that he doesn't want her the way that he should because he hasn't given her any necessary effort of proper courtship, not even friendship for that matter. Wake up, Carly. I think it's safe to say at this point of the song that he's no longer in your way but that you're in his way.

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