Relative Poem in Relation to Song ~ Analysis Follows

I Would Rather Have You 

 If I could have the world
I wouldn’t want it
I Would Rather Have You (Continued...)

If I could have fame or fortune
I’d say no
I Would Rather Have You (Continued...)

The only thing I want
Is your love
I would rather have that
Than anything this world has to offer
I Would Rather Have You (Continued...)

But i can't tell you
How bad it hurts
For me to give out
And receive nothing back
I Would Rather Have You (Continued...)

And just watch you fall apart
Right in front of me
I never thought this would happen
But life is full of surprises
we must take our hits and move on
I Would Rather Have You (Continued...)

And maybe someday you will realize
That I love you more than you’ll ever know
And I pray that before it’s all said and done
You come running back to me
With open arms
Because no matter what
I’ll always be waiting
I’ll never give up

Lyrical Facet Number One

"We share something so common/ Still so rare and I'm in awe/ Never been here before"
Aw, it's so sad the poor guy is selling himself short when he says he's in awe because he never thought he would ever find his first true love.

The channels of love are achievable for everyone. God has made someone for everybody. You just have to pray that God leads you to the right person, so you don't end up on the brink of a heart attack from the stress of a jacked up relationship, also like the guy in this song Trey has given voice to.

True love is capable for everyone and sees past color, creed, religion, station in life, political party, physical/health state, and so many other things. You see, God is love ("He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." ~1 John 4:8, KJV) and God has no favoritism toward this person or that person ("For there is no respect of persons with God." ~Romans 2:11, KJV). Therefore, love has no respect of persons either. 

Lyrical Facet Number Two

"Breaking each other's hearts/ And we don't care cause we're so"
These two lines sound psychotic. You're both making each other unhappy, yet there's something about each of you that you two are so addicted to that it keeps you to together, but nevertheless disregarding the fact that you're both really unhappy when it gets down to it. Wow. 

You both sound mentally unhealthy and not of sound mind. Are you both so twisted up in the game that you have lost of sense of what true happiness is? Well, obviously if you're so in love that you would rather stay together and put each other through pure emotional torture instead of breaking ties and allowing God to continue to guide you two throw the sea of people to obtain your true mates. 

I get it. It sounds like this guy has just acquired his first love and he loves her so darn much that letting her go isn't an option in his mind. Well, I wish it was an option in her mind because this poor guy is putting himself through all types of emotional hell all in the name of love. Heck, it's even having an effect on his health; he's on the brink of a heart attack. He needs to get ahold of himself because love don't love nobody. 

Lyrical Facet Number Three

"In too deep, can't think about giving it up"
If you're in so deep that you can't even think, that's a problem - a problem that deserves immediate attention. It's unhealthy, really. 

You shouldn't have to find yourself choosing another person over yourself to the point of where it effects your health, especially if you two aren't even married (and according to the video, they're not married). 

As the old saying goes, how are you going to love somebody else when you can't even love yourself first? This guy doesn't love himself first because if he did he would acquire enough mental marbles to step back from the situation and say, "Okay, I know this is my first love, but this relationship has come to a broken, unhealthy point and I now need to start thinking about how it's further effecting my life and hers. Besides, if I continue to motivate the idea of staying together, then I'm just slowing her life down as well and blocking the next guy who may be better suited for her current needs than I and I care about her too much to continue in this sham." 

Lyrical Facet Number Four

"But I never knew love would feel like a heart attack
It's killing me, swear I never cried so much"
Somebody needs to let this guy know that love doesn't have to feel like a heart attack. It's just that the woman he's currently with isn't necessarily the best thing for him right now. Maybe, if they took a break from each other and allowed each other some growth room and then tried it again later in life after the both of them had evolved, then they would find their love in a much healthier state for each other. 

I'm not saying that relationships want have there run up and bumps but it sounds like this guy is stuck on his first love and they've already ran up, bumped, slumped and got kicked in the pump. I mean, seriously. This man needs to get a new lease on life, and he's not strong enough or man enough to realize when it's time to let go of a relationship that's destroying him, then maybe it's time for this female he's so deeply in love with to relieve him of the relationship. It's time for her to be the bigger woman and allow this man to on. 

Speaking of the woman, seeing that she has yet to relieve him of the the relationship anyway, I'm wondering if she even loves herself as much as she should. I mean, being that women are emotional creatures, if he's freaking out and crying and losing his mind in all sorts of craziness then I can only imagine what she's going through and what this relationship is doing to her health, as well. If she loved herself, she would have let him go, too. My only point is that someone needs to let someone go. It'll do them both some good. There are plenty of fish in the sea, so they need to make like one and swim. 

Lyrical Facet Number Five

"The worst pain that I ever had"
Is it just me or does anyone else not see that this guy is a bit deranged. I'm not picking on him but I feel sorry for him. It seems that if you're going through the worst pain you ever had that you would kind of miss the lack of stress that you use to have. 

Maybe he's thinking that because this is his true first love that he would be less of man if he gave up so easily. Personally, I don't think he would be less of a man to give up and I wouldn't call it "so easily" because you've reached the point of questionable sanity. Anytime a woman has driven you to the unbelievable frequency point of stressing, crying, arguing, and questioning of your own judgement darn near ninety-nine point nine percent of the time then I think it's safe to say that you've given it your best try and it's just time to move on because your efforts are going unrecognized beyond belief. 

Lyrical Facet Number Six

"All the times when I know I should be smiling/ Seem to be the time that I frown the most/ Can't believe that we're still surviving"
So, this strenuous relationship has taken the guy's happiness, yet he still stands secure in his decision of courting this woman. Well, I do respect him for being confident in his decision (a not so healthy decision), but I like a man who go's after what he wants. Although, I hate that his pride stands in the way of his evolvement to bigger and better things as far as his personal life is concerned. 

Then again, when you're in a relationship and it stresses you to the point of distress of health condition then it's definitely going to negatively effect the other areas of your life. Let's be honest, loved ones seem to have a way of draining our energy and in turn we're left to feel like we've just be ran over by heard of wild animals. That feeling is liable to stay with you for the rest of the day, the rest of the week, maybe even the rest of the month depending on the frequency of the heard trampling. 

Lyrical Facet Number Seven

"Cause I'm slowly breaking down/ Even when I hold you close"
This line just speaks of desperation - desperation of this guy wanted to hold on (literally) to this woman forever and ever, amen. 

I guess it tells him nothing that even during a moment when things are supposed to be calm, loving, and non-stressful that his spirit still remains broken. He can't even be happy in a calm moment. 

When my man holds me I want him to feel stress-free, loved, serene, cozy, and spiritually intimate. When we're wrapped up together, the feeling shouldn't be anything be good because at that very moment it's all about he and I, and I as his woman would make sure that he knew and recognized that fact. A woman is supposed to de-stress her man whenever she gets the chance to, not send him fumbling into a blossom of tears.   

Lyrical Facet Number Eight 

"And if I lose you I'm afraid I would lose who/ Who I gave my love to/ That's the reason I stay around"
I respect the man trying to stay strong in the relationship but loss is apart of life. No, it's nothing to be taking lightly but as human beings journeying throughout this life you have to deal with loss. Yes, even the loss of a first love. He won't own the card to loss - there are plenty of others in the world that I'm sure share his same issues, you know, if he was to break up with her. 

Loss is one of God's lessons that He allows to happen in order to help us all appreciate the value of happiness as opposed to the pain of the lack thereof, and just because it's one of God's lessons  it's important to learn from, respect, and embrace such. Jesus even gives you loads of advice of how to cope in His word. There's even a popular prayer that is inspired by the advice of the Holy Bible written by theologian, Reinhold Niebuhr in 1943. It's the serenity prayer: 

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

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